chapter 16

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chapter 16 

"Luke, please call me back. It's not what you think." I groaned to myself, hanging up the phone after leaving possibly the twentieth voice mail. I've texted and called countless times, but Luke won't answer me. 

I finally got the idea of texting Carly to get Calum's number and I sat up straighter on the stool at the salon and sent her a quick text. I sighed, looking around the empty salon. Since Leanne died, it's like a ghost town in here. Half of our clients were hers and I can't possibly take that all on. I have been struggling to keep it all from not falling apart here and it is so hard. 

"My, my, my, my oh give me love." I immediately picked up my phone after hearing the ring tone, hopeful that it was Luke. 

"Hey, girl!" I sighed and mumbled out a hey to Carly. "You not happy to hear from me?" She laughed and I smiled a little. 

"No, I was just expecting a call that I probably won't get." I sighed and she muttered an 'i'm sorry'. "Can I have Calum's number? I need him to get Luke to talk to me." 

"Oh, of course! He told me what happened. I'm sorry about all of that but I hope you guys work out." Carly said before giggling. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Calum, stop." She giggled, trying to speak to me. 

"You seem busy, just text me the number." We said our goodbyes before hanging up. The front bell of the salon rang making me look up from my phone. I smiled a little at the bright haired boy standing in front of me. 

"What color are you going for this time?" I asked with a laugh and he just shook his head. 

"Why'd you cheat on Luke?" Michael asked, anger lacing his voice. 

"For the love of God, I didn't cheat on him!" I practically shouted and Michael just scoffed, rolling his eyes. "The guy who came to my apartment was my ex, okay? When I was nineteen I thought he was 'the one'. He got me pregnant and cheated on me. So never in my fucking life would I ever cheat on Luke, espeially with Lucas." I finished my little rant and plopped down on my stool, running my hands through my hair. 

"Why didn't you tell him that?" 

"Don't you think that I've tried? He won't talk to me." I mumbled and looked up at Michael who was staring at me with sad eyes. 

"You know, he hasn't gone to work since the whole thing happened." 

"Why not?" I was surprised. Whenever Luke talked about his job at the elementary school, he was really happy. 

"Not sure, but I went to his house yesterday and he looks like he hasn't showered in a week. All he did was lay in bed and watch Disney movies." I almost laughed at that. "But, while I'm here, I do need a haircut. You don't seem too...busy." Michael motioned to the empty salon and I nodded, hauling myself up from the stool before leading him to the chairs. 


I sat on my love seat and flipped through channels on the TV before settling on some random movie. I looked at my phone and almost cried. November 2nd. The day my parents died. I shot up from my spot and ran to my room to change clothes. 

I put on some black leggings and a baggy grey sweater with my black combat boots. I ran into the bathroom and swiped on some eyeliner and mascara before grabbing my phone and wallet. I walked to the flower shop near my apartment and bought a bouquet of white roses before making my way to the cemetery. 


"Hey, guys." I criss crossed my legs in front on the side by side tombstones. "I'm sorry I haven't been in a while. It hasn't been going that great lately for me. I'm sure you know about Leanne. She's probably up there with you guys. I guess it's one big party of all the people I cared about the most in my life." I let out a dry laugh and sighed. 

"Um, the salon isn't doing that good either. It was awesome for a while but the past few weeks, nothing has been going right. I'm trying really hard to keep it goign for you, mom. But, it's really hard to do this all by myself." I felt a lump form in my throat and tried to swallow it, failing miserably. "And dad, I walked by the bookstore the other day and it's gone out of business. The lady who bought it is selling it to make a frozen yogurt store." 

"I don't even know why I'm actually here. You all probably don't even hear me. I'm probably just a disgrace to the family. I'm sure that you aren't proud of me being a stripper. I'm not proud of it either, frankly." I felt a few tears trickle down my cheeks and I wiped them off, to no avail. They just kept coming out of my eyes. 

"I really thought that Luke was the one, too. Lucas just had to ruin it all for me, once again. Dad, you always told me to never get close to someone unless you were sure that they would stay." I looked up at the sky for a moment, feeling a raindrop fall on my nose before looking at the tombstones again. "I got too close and now he's gone. I've lost everyone that is important to me and now I'm left all alone. I don't think I can do it." 


I wiped my tears and sniffled, walking out of the cemetery, feeling the rain come down harder each second that I walked. My phone buzzed in my sweater pocket and I pulled it out before reading the text, causing me to stop in my tracks. 

I need you. 

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