Can you dont

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I walked down the Oh great staircase with such elegance!

Then I tripped...but I caught the railing, so I lived! "Miss (Y/n), Sir Kenji requests to see you in his office" I looked over to see Ash, my temporary Butler for the moment. "Ok, but where's the office?" He lent out a hand for me to take but I just turned it down and kept walking.

After what happened with Bernard, I found out that Ash is a bit of a Yandere. He's killed more people than Bernard too and I didnt notice till I saw the decrease of staff in the building. That, and his hickey's wont fucking dissaper. I mean, he didn't take me, just 'explored' my body, if that's the right words. It's werid though, to have all these guys after you.

It makes me think I'm a Slut, it's disturbing sometimes. I walked with the Butler to the room and opened the door instead. "Yo, Kenji. You called?" There was laughter in the room and the ravenette Yakuza glanced in my direction.

"Ah, (Y/n)! Sei! This is my Fianceè, (Y/n)." Kenji ran over from his desk and hugged me. He turned to the dude by his desk "(Y/n), this is a colleague of mine. He helps with getting new recruits along with training. Sei Chu"

A male with pretty white hair came over. I could tell it was long, at least to his mid back, but he had it in a ponytail. His eyes were blue, lighter than Ciel's but a lot darker than Alois's. Bitch was hella tall, like Sebastian tall. That shits tall...

He looked me up and down and then tilt his head "Eh? Is this the girl that used to be in the Mafia?" Ah, I see word got around. Kenji nodded with a bright smile "Yup! One of the best Commander's we've had!" Kenji jumped around with me hanging in his grasp.

"Guess what My Love?" I looked up at my 'betrothed'. "Huh?" Kenji put an arm on Sei's shoulder "Sei's staying over! He said he wanted to catch up on somethings in the Night Crawlers and hang out!" I nodded but, I lowkey dont trust this bitch.

Kenji frowned at my face "Aww, (Y/n)-Chan, dont be like that. I'm sure everything will be fine" he pulled us both in a group hug "We're gonna be the best of friends!" Sei's eyes looked down at me with an ominous glow.

"We'll get along just fine..."

I glared at him and that smirk of his got bigger.

"Yeah...Just fine.."


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(Y/n) stretched in her bed as she woke up. She smacked her lips and scratched her back. After sliding out the bed, well forced, and going to the closet, she picked out a set of clothes.

She went to the bathroom and did her business, got herself all nice and pretty. She looked in the mirror and clicked dher tounge with finger guns. She then laughed and went out the pistene room. Then her phone buzzed.

Looking at the notification, she sighed and answered. "Yellow?"

"MY LOVE! Good Morning! I'm sorry I wont be able to see you today, I'm getting preparations for the big day~ But you have Ash and Sei, so maybe you can go out and have fun with them?"

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