The Nutler has arived...

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(Y/n) was sitting on the couch watching fresh prince of bel-air.

'They should make a spin-off of this' She had thought. Everyone had went to their rooms while she pet cat Claude, who she got at the store yesterday.

Everyone went to bed, or so she believes....Well Alois was sleep next to her laying his head on her shoulder. She layed her head on top of his and sighed in content. 'This is relaxing' She closed her eyes as they felt heavy.


Something was flying towards (Y/n)'s head. Right before it could pierce her, her fingers caught it with the blade pointed to her eye. She opened her eyes and examined it. 'Silver kitchen knife...the only people who use these are the stone wall but he doesnt have silver he has gold it must be...'

"Sebastian Michaelis"


I saw him step out of the shadows. It's like meeting the final boss. In front of me is the Panty Dropper, The Thot, The Nutler. Any Otaku would love to be in my place. Those thirsty hoes....

Which I'm happily apart of-

"Might I ask why you're here?" I said to him as he glared dead in my eyes. "I have been following you for a while Miss, and might I say, you are rather intresting"

I gave him a confused look as I pet cat Claude's fur. I looked like one of those villans... ha. "You, out of all people on this earth, were chosen to be able to see us, care for us, and take us in. You seem to have quick reflexes as well, faster then most humans I've seen. Also, your soul..." I stiffened "..It's far diffrent than anything I've ever smelled before..." He came closer as I looked at him. He looked the same. Black hair, red eyes all of it...

Although he looked somewhat younger?

He stopped in front of me. He leaned down and put his hands on my thighs. "So tell me, Miss....Who are you?" He brought his face closer to mine.



We looked down, almost bumping heads, at Claude who was curled up into a ball looking at Sebastian with pure curiosity.

Sebby here grabbed him and sat next to me while complimenting him and cuddling him. I got ticked cause I wanted my child back "Hey, give him back!" I tried not to be so loud when the blonde kid was next to me.

He looked at me and his eyes flashed fuschia. I stopped. This is the first time I've seen this. Hell, Claude hasn't even done it. At least I think he didnt....

"Why should I? Clearly he likes it better when I pet him" He rubbed behind his ears and Claude purred like crazy.

"What the Grell, My Child, I thought you loved me..." Bassy stopped and narrowed his eyes at me as I said Grell's name. "Dont ever mention that fools name in my presence"

I looked at him "Well your going to be hearing it alot since you now live here" I felt bootyshorts wrap his arms around my waist. I sighed "Guess I'm sleeping on the couch tonight..."

"Ay! Bassy, go in there and there's a closet full of blankets. There's a nice white fluffy one in there, get it"

I pointed behind me as I started laying down with the tall blonde ontop of me since he wouldn't let go. The Demon stood up and walked over to the closet getting a fluffy, pure white blanket.


Sebastian walked over to see the girl laying down with a smile on her face and strocking Alois's hair with her cat curled up near her neck. 'To be frank', He thought, 'She looks rather peaceful in her predicament.'

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