I want you and only you

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I swear these chapters keep getting longer each time. 3488 words this time! Hope you like the chapter!


After what happened yesterday, (Y/n) looked as if she lost all emotion.

She wouldn't smile, laugh, make jokes. In all honesty, she acted like Ciel when he first came back to the manor after the whole 'incident'.

Kenji would visit her each time and tried his best to brighten up her day. It was now night time. Ash pulled the covers over the ravenette as he let out a long sigh. "She hates me.." Ash looked down at Kenji in confusion. "Could you repeat that sir?"

"My Love, my (Y/n). She never smiles...she doesn't show any emotion, she doesn't even move sometimes." Ash cocked his head to the side "It's barely been a full day since she's done this sir.." Kenji looked to his purple eyed butler "What should I do Ash?"

Ash smiled and closed the curtains. "I believe you should help her forget. Help her make new and better memories, act like how you two used to be. Maybe even take her to an assisgnment with you." Kenji sat up and looked at the Angel with a bright smile "Of course, why didn't I think of that? Ash!" The butler let out a hum as he fixed little things around the room. "You, me, and my dear (Y/n) will go out and walk around town! I'm sure she'll be so happy by the lights and the food! My Love always did love free food.." He sat his chin down in his hands as he left out a loving sigh.

"What time should we head out, sir?"

"Around 5. The later it is, the better she'll feel!" Kenji let out a long yawn and fell back down to his pillow. "Good night Ash!" The Butler bowed and grasped the door "Good night Sir Kenji"

 "Good night Ash!" The Butler bowed and grasped the door "Good night Sir Kenji"

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The girl robotically blew her food as she set it in her mouth. Kenji stared at her in worry with a nervous smile. He glanced at Ash, who motioned him to make a move, and nervously laughed.

"So..(Y/n). I uh-I was planning on taking us around if that's fine with you.." (Y/n)'s eyes looked over to Kenji and his face brightened a bit as they made eye contact. She thought for awhile and knew as much as she hated Kenji for all the things he's done, she couldn't hate him forever. Revenge wouldn't help anything and isolating herself wouldn't make anything better.

She just prayed the others would come soon. She hoped they were doing fine and were in a better condition than she was.

 She hoped they were doing fine and were in a better condition than she was

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