wtf is this...WTF IS THIS

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The group was at school. Yes, another day at the Hell hole.

(Y/n) successfully got William and Undertaker into the system and as soon as they stepped into the room, girls were all over them. Well, they were more on William than Undertaker. Most said he creeped them out but that didn't stop them. Y'know, life was back to normal.

Today however, was going to be different from the usual at school. What was it, you may ask? Well, the fucking Cafeteria gave them cold Pizza. Just disgustin'.

 Just disgustin'

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My English teacher was sitting at (her/his) desk, reading one of their favorite books. Surprisingly, we had a free day so nobody had work to do. I was listing to some music, reading some books, you know, the usual. In this class, I had Sebastian, Claude, and William.

Sebastian was surrounded by girls, and seemed to be enjoying the attention.


I did catch him looking at me a few times but all I did was stare back at him till one of us looked away. If someone looks at you, stare back at them to make it awkward. Works every time.

Claude was trying his best to not be in any radius of girls and stayed near me as close as possible. He had asked to hold my hand earlier and I let him. Just for the sake of him asking politely.

William was on the other side of me and tried to be farther away from Claude and Sebastian, mumbling about them being 'disgusting creatures' every now and then. I gave him a few books to keep him occupied.

I chuckled each time Will did this and he would turn his head to the window.

There was something different about today though. There's this girl in my class, Alice. Yeah, my little friend, acquaintance. I mean, she's a nice girl but, she kept staring at me and won't look the fuck away. I was a little annoyed and tried to ignore her but I saw her creep a hand into her pocket. All while looking dead at me. Dead ass.

My heart rate speed up as she stood up and threw something at me. I ducked my head as a whistle was heard above me. Windows were shattered and girls started screaming. I lift my head and looked at Alice.

She had this gun in her hand and aimed it at me. The gun was odd in a way, all black but with red lining. She shot at me and I ran out my seat, letting go of Claude's hand in the process "Miss (Y/n)!" The three said as the lights started flickering and books fell on the floor.

Everyone ran to the door and I grabbed Claude and William's arms, bolting to the door while Sebastian followed "We gotta find the others! Keep them safe, their could be more. In a mean time, I'll deal with this Bitch.."

They nodded and ran off 'Damn, not even a be safe..' I deadpan. A chain wrapped around me. I looked down at it.

"wtf is this....WTF IS THIS!" It swung me back in the room. I was thrown to the wall, the ceiling and slammed on the floor. I looked at Alice as she yanked the chain towards her and wrapped her fingers went to my neck.

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