Amigas, Chickas

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I got up early today

I had decided to get some fresh air since I've been in the house for awhile.

I started walking to the woods behind my house. Back there was a cliff with an amazing view of my town. I discovered it when we first moved here. I was exploring around the area and I had got lost.

Then it was like something was directing me to a specific area. A whisper of some kind had led me deeper into the wood and then I saw it. The glorious view I had come to love.

I went there to cry, to be alone, to even just sit there and think. It was my safe heaven.

I had looked over the view. The moon shining over the town, the trees shaking by the blow of the air.

"Beautiful isnt it?"

Sebastian came from behind a tree as he looked at me.

His black hair waving in the air as his crimson blood red eyes gleamed in the moonlight.

He walked up to me and looked down at my figure "Might I ask, what are you doing here Miss (L/n)?" I, being intimidated by his height compared to my short self, took a few steps away from him to the side. He shook his head, dismissing the glare that swirled in his eyes. Like I didn't notice it, pfft!

I smiled up at him from my new distance "This is where I come to take my mind off things" I looked back to the town "It's even better to see at night"

Sebastian glanced down at me and smiled. He looked back to the town "You certainly aren't like most girls Miss (Y/n)..."

With that he just walked off. Why did he come up here if that was all? I expected him to put up a fight or plot to kill me or somethin'. I thought about what Undertaker said before I went to my house.

"Thank you (Y/n). Sleep tight, don't let the Demons bite"

What in the hell is that supposed to mean. I trust Undertaker with all my might, but does that mean the demons have something against me?

Claude does seem a bit more open than he does in the show AND from what I've read in fanfictions and when Sebs first came he didn't trust me at all at first. He still death glares me....Nah maybe I'm over reactin'.

I opened my house door and tip-toed to the kitchen. I saw the chips on the top shelf and pulled a determined face.

I crawled on the counter and reached over for the chips.

I kept stretching over to get it, but it didn't work. I knew there was only one thing left to do....Jump.

So me, being a dumbass, jumped as high as I could. I tried again, failed. Once more, failed.

A third time




I slipped.....

My arms in the air, eyes bucked wide open as I fell to my doom.

A meow sounded throughout my kitchen and two arms caught me and craddled me to their chest.

"(Y/n) babe! What were you doing, you could've hurt yourself!"

I saw Grell looking down at me, worried while I stared up at him, owlishly.

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