Finally got another question

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*rumour and Werner are sitting on the couch holding a ds each *
Rumour: come on out vespiquen 
Werner: Raticate go

*werner's cat walks in through the doorway holding a piece of paper in its mouth without them noticing*

Rumour: finish this up with bug bite!
Werner: raining Pokémon master right here
Rumour: thank you
Werner's cat: MEOW
Both: ahhhhhhhh
Werner: katzanvagen ve have talked about zhis
Rumour: he has a name? you didn't tell me this
Werner: you don't azk me
Katzenwagen: *gives them the piece of paper*
Rumour: what do you have there? *looks at the paper* Werner
Werner: vhat?
Rumour: we have got another question
Werner: finally vhat does it zay?
Rumour: it says....... oh god why can't anyone escape this topic
Werner: oh nein is really
Rumour: yes it's about the virus
Werner: *sighs* und vhat about it
Rumour: there asking me what my favourite thing about the lockdown is and what your least favourite thing is
Werner: vhy ve get a different one each?
Rumour: don't look at me
Werner: okay you go first
Rumour: thank you now I don't know what really to like about the lockdown because you can only talk to your friends like when you're on the phone but I do like that I get to train a bit more my magic get some Royal work done *smirks* get to kick Werner's butt at Pokemon
Werner: *blushes with embarrassment*
Katzenwagen: Merow~
Werner: *turns to Katzenwagen* vhat are you doing it's Pokemon
Katzenwagen: mow *Falls asleep*
Rumour: why did he make that sound?
Werner: beats me
Rumour: ummm okay Werner what's your least favourite thing about this lockdown
Werner: oh babe I don't know vhere to ztart first zhings first you can not go out anywhere she only vay to talk anyone you don't Live vith is to call Shem vitch I can't even because I have to go to a pay phone
Rumour: why do you have to go a pay phone to call people
Werner: I don't have a phone
Rumour: you don't why don't you
Werner: I think it's because nien one uses pay phones anymore zo I vant to make zhem feel useful
Rumour: okay that's kinda weird but you do you boo
Werner: okay thank you now back to mein lockdown rant und zhe news is unfair to the people Who got better only the people who died go on zhe news und *blushes* I mean I like spending more time vith rumour but *puts hands behind back* I vant to be able to take her on dates like she deserves
Rumour: *hugs him and kisses his cheek* awww Werner
Werner: *holding his cheek* 🥰

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