No title idea

31 4 5

Quick authors note: hey it's been a while since I updated sorry I just had to many ideas for what to put in this chapter so sorry again I will try to be a little bit quicker at putting these out but as the old man from toy story 2 said "you can't rush art"
Werner: hallo again before she question is answered I have to let you readers know zhat rumour is not here at she moment because she is out vith Cala
Katzenwagen: meow mew mow
Werner: *pets Katzenwagen* zo main cat is gonna be joining in instead
Katzenwagen: *purrs*
Werner: okay time to read zhis *reads question* hey it's from DebbieJones305 again und zhey vant to know vhere I'd take rumour out vhen zhis stupid lockdown stuff is over *blushes* vell in all honesty I am not too sure but it vouldn't  be anything too romantic neither of us are really that into romance zooo maybe like going to the park or zomething like zhat-*sees Katzenwagen just staring at one spot on the wall* vhats up vith you?
Katzenwagen: marooow *follows something across the wall with his eyes*
Werner: zhere's just shadows on she vall vhat do you see?
Katzenwagen: *now looking at the air vent* *hisses then just walks away*
Werner: that vas veird uhhh bye

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