🥳Happy 2020 🥳

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Everyone at the new years party: happy New Years!
Rumour: hello everyone happy new year
Werner: (is holding a cup) have *hic* a *hic* a good *hic* year
Rumour: Werner did you get that silly juice?
Werner: *hic* Briney brought *hic* *hic* it
Rumour: (turns to Captain Briney beard) why did you bring silly juice
Briney beard: at some point everyone will get drunk on New Year's 
Cala: (Rolls in her fishbowl up to them acting very silly) it's *hic* true *hic*
Rumour: but I don't thi- (sighs) you know if you can't beat them (goes and pours herself a glass of silly juice) let's just hope cups and mugs don't drink any of it (takes a long sip of the silly juice)
Werner: (turns to rumour) you *hic* v-vant to *hic* clink glasses
Rumour: (smiles) sure honey
Rumour and werner: 🥂

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