Next to every great woman

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Alison walked briskly through the streets with a new found peace. She stopped two miles away from her home at the kissing rock, reminiscing about the first time Emily Field's lips touched hers. She could still remember the naturally fresh scent of Emily mixed with chlorine from swimming the day away. How soft Emily's lips felt whenever they brushed up against hers. 

Alison took the journey back towards the Field's house. She was contemplating different things to tell Hanna in order to get her to join their preexisting relationship.  Alison was well aware of how stubborn Hanna could be. She arrived in front of the Field's well known yellow house with Emily sitting on the front porch.

" Hey Ali, you've been gone awhile. I was starting to worry. How did it go?" Emily asked curiously.  "It went great actually.  Better than i expected honestly. I've just been wondering around thinking back to when we were teens.  I always have to pay homage to the kissing rock."  " I wouldn't mind taking a trip there myself."  " Sounds like a date?" Alison wrapped her arms around Emily's neck drawing her in for an intense make out session until they both were gasping for air. "  I'm not complaining but what's the special occasion Alison?"  "  Just celebrating every minute that we are together is a special occasion Em."  " That's very true. You've got me excited about going to the kissing rock. Stay out here and give me a few minutes to grab a couple of things alright?"  "  Only if your not too long. You know I lack patience Emily Fields!" "  Your so bossy!" Emily says with a smirk and quick smooch before going inside of the house.

Emily packed up and walked back outside.  She grabbed Ali's hand as they made their way to the kissing rock.  " Why haven't we ever done this before Em?"  " Ali we used to this all the time.  Hence why we are heading there now."  " I meant as adults.  I know it was confusing when we were kids but I'm just surprised we are just now returning as adults."  " Good question but it's never too late."  Emily spread the blanket out on the ground then sat down the picnic basket. She started to light candles along the ground. "  Do you need any help?" Alison asked. " No. Just sit there looking gorgeous than ever."  Emily said with a dimpled. smile.

Emily poured them both a glass of wine, set out various cheeses, fruits, and olives.  Alison smiled feeling loved. " You've always been very good at taking care of me."  " I'm glad your pleased my love!"  Emily started feeding Alison. " You've always been the love of my life Ali." " Same. I've always loved you Em and I always will. I do think we need to concentrate on getting Hanna back. Do you have any ideas?"  " Hanna is married Ali. I think we should just leave it at that."  "  I'm surprised your saying that Em. After all we are back together and I'm still married."  " That's true. I should tell you something now that I've never realized until I had to face you getting married. I love Hanna.  I just have never been in love with anyone but you Alison.  You've always been the one."  " Are you absolutely sure Em?"  "  Yes Alison! Soon as you get a divorce we are going to make it official."  Emily said with a kiss. 

- they lived happily ever after!

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