Ali Cat

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Alison stirred in the guess bedroom next to Hanna and Emily's apartment. She tried hard to ignore Emily's moans and sexual noises but she knows she's never made Emily sound that way. The realization made her feel a tightening in the pit of her stomach. Alison then recognized that feeling as jealousy. She was miserable with Emily no longer by her side but she seemed happy in New York and Alison would never take that away. So she searched for the headset to her iPhone and turned the music up as Alison tried to drown out both Emily's sound and her whimpers from crying.

The next morning Alison took her a long hot shower. She was debating if she wanted to go home or if she had the courage to face Emily and Hanna. The three way relationship was taking a toll on her not only emotional but also now physically. She stood in front of the mirror noticing the rings around her eyes. This toxic relationship couldn't be good for her. After she dressed and performed her usual morning routine of preparing herself for the day she decided to call Spencer. Spencer always played it straight with her no matter how much it hurt and Alison appreciated that.

Spencer: Hi, how is New York? How's Emily and Hanna?

Alison: New York, is, ... Well New York. Hanna and Emily are both fine. (Alison said in that let's pretend everything is fine voice.)

Spencer: What's wrong Ali? 

Alison: Hanna called me here because she said Em was feeling depressed and not eating. Ever since I arrived they've been acting like this perfect married couple and its making me sick to my stomach.

Spencer: I can't imagine Hanna misleading you. 

Alison: I think she just wanted to make me jealous so I'd move here with them. Honestly I'm just ready to go home and be with my students and also my friends.

Spencer: Hanna and Em are your friends Ali. You need to find out what your heart wants and fight for it. 

Alison: I've been fighting for along time Spence. I'm just ready to settle down with the love of my life and enjoy it all before we get to old to.

Spencer: Do you feel like you'd have that with Em?

Alison: Yes definitely but not if it means crushing Hanna. I won't be able to enjoy my life if she's miserable.

Spencer: One or all three of you need to move on before your friendship dissolves.

Alison: I'm moving on. I'm in Rosewood, Hanna and Em are here. I even got asked out on a date. 

Spencer: Really? Well that's wonderful. Who are you going on a date with?

Alison: I bumped into this guy at a pharmacy. Turns out he's a doctor. He asked me to go to this huge gala Melissa is throwing at The Radley.

Spencer: Holding wait. Your going out with Dr. Alex Rollins?

Alison: Yes. That's his name.

Spencer: Wow. Ali. He's a really big deal in the medical profession. 

Alison: Well don't tell me anything else about him. I want to be pleasantly surprised. If I wanted to know everything I'd just Googled him.

Spencer: You should you'd be impressed. And I know you don't impress easily.

Alison: That's true. I'd better go face these two before I come back home.

Little did Alison know Emily was just about to knock on the guestroom door when she heard her discussing moving on and her date. She  scurried off hurt and confused but mostly angry because she thought this new guy was why Alison decided to stay in Rosewood.

When Alison came out of the room to join Hanna and Emily there was lots of tension in the air. Emily was jealous of whoever Alison was dating, Hanna was jealous of Alison and Emily's relationship, while Alison was jealous of Emily and Hanna. It was just a matter of time before all hell broke loose. Alison was the first to break as she sat across from Hanna and watched her squeeze Emily's hand between hers. Alison thought they was kind of her and Em's thing. 

Alison: Why I am here Hanna? Did just want to rub it in my face that you won? After all these years you've finally one upped me.

Hanna: Me being with Emily is not about one upping you Alison. If you'd deflate your ego you'd realize that I'm in love her.

Alison: Good for you. So why do you have the need for calling me to New York just so I can witness your love? Or more like listening to your love all night? 

Hanna: Look I'm sorry but I asked and you said you were okay with it. 

Alison: Yeah I was. But that's nothing like you and Em in Rosewood. Well now it's your turn to be a witness.

Alison pulled Emily's chair for the table where she straddled her and started to tug on her clothes as she roughly yet passionately kissed Emily. Emily couldn't help kissing Alison back. She missed her pillow soft lips. As Alison gripped the back of Emily's neck nibbling on her jawline until she reached Emily's neck. Alison took her throbbing vein into her mouth sucking it between her teeth as they scraped gently while her tongue danced against the heated skin. 

Alison: Raise your arms up.

Emily: Woah. Hey Ali. I don't think we should do this just prove some point. (Emily tried to reason)

Alison wasn't listening her anger and jealousy had taken over her senses. She ripped the shirt from Emily's body taking in her tan skin before her lips attacked Emily again. She trailed her pink rose perfectly manicured nails along Emily's stomach leaving small angry red scratches behind.

Alison: Oh God Em your so hot.

Emily: Ali... Ugh(as Alison's teeth found there way to the top of Emily's fleshy breast sticking out of her white push up bra). You have to stop babe. 

Alison: Why Em? You don't want me anymore? After a month you'd throw away all the years we waited to be together?

Emily couldn't hold back her temper and she smacked Alison across her face making a small cut on her lip. 

Emily: You wasted those years Alison. I wanted you but you rejected me, I loved you and you disappeared for two fucking years! (She throws the chair they were just sitting in across the room and it breaks against the wall). 

She grabs Alison kissing her roughly until teeth crash together. Alison turns Emily around a pushes her back up against a wall as she unbuttons her pants. Emily lifts Alison's legs both forgetting Hanna is there. Alison touches Emily's throat, stroking it delicately as they kiss. She thrusts her tongue inside Emily's mouth just as her fingers wrap around her neck. Emily gasps and moans at the same time taking the opportunity to pull Alison's panties to the side and thrust her finger in the wet folds without any warning. Then it was Alison who groaned while rubbing Em's nipple through her bra before her mouth took over. She palmed Emily's pussy while pressing her palm against her clit. She began rubbing Emily fast and hard enough to burn. She teased her clit with her thumb making Emily cum undone without using so much as a finger. 

Emily: Oh God Ali.. Cum with me baby...

Alison: I'm almost there Em. I need more.

Emily added another finger to Alison's folds as she flipped her wrist and wiggled her middle finger putting pressure on Alison's walls. Alison reciprocated mirroring Emily's movements inside of her. Both women came undone in the kitchen pressed against a wall by the refrigerator half dressed which was so beautiful  and outrageous Hanna laughed and cried at the same time. 

Alison: I love you so much Em.

Emily: I love you too Ali. 

They continued kissing and whispering words of love to each other.

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