Friends? (HANISON)

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Alison and Hanna at a shopping mall in Rosewood

Alison: Why do you think Em sent us out together?

Hanna: I'm guessing she needed a break. I wore her out Friday, you had her up all night Saturday. Unless I'm mistaken?

Alison: No we were up all night Saturday. 

Hanna: Not the usual dinner and a movie then?

Alison: Nope.

Hanna: Finally! God I thought I'd have to drag you along with us.

Alison: I don't think I'd be up for that after seeing your back the other day. I still can't believe Emily would do something like that.

Hanna: I begged her to.

Alison: What? Why?

Hanna: I started experimenting in college, trying to find myself. After everything we been through and the whole being an Ali look-alike throughout Junior and Senior year of highschool. I just needed to find Hanna. I tried a swingers party and some of it was okay. Then I was at this lesbian club where pets got in with their masters. I thought those girls were stupid. Being humiliated like that. But the more I went, and I observed them, they were in more control than their masters. These people loved and cared for them. They weren't hurting them, well only what they allowed. They have safe words and everything. I talked Emily into it.

Alison: So its not just bondage? Your also her pet?

Hanna: Yep. But I'm also her girlfriend. It's just sometimes we add the kinky stuff mostly we just have regular sex. 

Alison: Oh. So what she like beats you? Sorry I just can't believe you've turned Emily into Christian Grey.

Hanna: I think part of her wanted it too. Not the whole pet thing but just something out of the ordinary. 

Alison: I'll take the romantic side of our girlfriend any day. I enjoyed our first time together. It was everything I dreamed it would be.

Hanna: You're such a fairytale Ali. (Hanna teased)

Alison: I just don't appreciate being humiliated or abused. Everyone has their own kinks. I guess that's why Emily could never decide.

Hanna: I think we both just meant so much to her. Your her first love Ali. I was there when you left. I was more like a sister to her then. We got closer than she'd ever been with anyone.

Alison: And she had got closer to me than I ever allowed anyone else to be. Do you think she's only with me because she's scared to hurt me by choosing you?

Hanna: I think she's with you because she loves you. She never stopped loving you. You still make her get that stupid ass look on her face from when we were kids. If I didn't know any better I'd think Em was your pet. She'd happily follow you around wagging her tail.

Alison: Hey stop! I would never treat Em that way. Not again.

Hanna: But you used to and you used to like it. Don't judge us pot.

Alison: Touché. Do you think Emily is setting us up for a three some? 

Hanna stumbled at Alison's words almost knocking a clothes rack over.

Hanna: Oh God. Do you think she is?

Alison: I mean why make us go out together? We usually do our own thing. I'm not complaining. I love you. But we just haven't hung out in ages.

Hanna: Maybe that's why. Maybe she just wants us to be friends again. Maybe she's scared to lose one of us.

Alison: I'm not going to pretend that this is my ideal relationship. I never thought I'd be sharing anything, let alone a woman. But Emily is, well Emily, and I know she's not just trying to screw two women. She genuinely loves us both and we both fell in love with her and I can't walk away from that.

Hanna: Yeah. Me either. Em is kinda wonderful and one of a kind. I been thinking alot lately. You two are both all into romance. Pretty soon you'll getting married and having kids. I don't know where that will leave me.

Alison: Your my friend Hanna. I mean that. I really do love you. I wouldn't want to see you hurt. If Emily ever does ask me to marry her, as much as this surprises me to say, your our other half. Your the 1/3 of our relationship. We couldn't be a couple without you.

Hanna: Well the same goes for you. If the day ever comes where Emily marries me you'll be right along with us. And I love you too. 

Hanna hugs Alison then gives her a not so friendly kiss on the lips.

Alison: That was like kissing a sister maybe. A friend I guess. Your a good kisser though.

Hanna: Yeah you too. Let's not do that again. It was just weird. 

Alison: I wonder if I saw you naked would it make a difference.

Hanna: What? Far as kissing?

Alison: Yeah. I mean if you were naked maybe it'll be different.

Hanna: we both have C-cup boobs, blonde hair, blue eyes, dimples, and pretty much the same size. It'll be like twins being together or something. Weird. Too weird. Look in the mirror. That's me naked.

Alison: we're different enough that it wouldn't be that. I have a darker blue eye color. Yours is a lighter blue sometimes bluish grey. Your dimples are different even they are always there mine hide. They only come out if I smile a certain way. Your even a different color blonde from me. I bet our bodies are different. What color is your nipples.

Hanna: pink

Alison: mine too. Navel a inny or outy?

Hanna: in

Alison: Yeah me too. Your butts smaller but it pokes out more. Like the bubble shape.

Hanna: yeah yours is more heart shaped. Your lips are fuller.

Alison: Yeah. Your mouths wider though. 

Hanna: what are we doing? We aren't going to see each other naked Ali.

Alison: Why not. Just one time. It won't hurt anything.

Hanna: You sound like a horny teenage boy trying to have sex with me. (Hanna gasps) Alison Lauren Dilaurentis are you trying to have sex with me?

Alison: Hanna! (Alison exclaims in shock) No. I just wanted to see if we really are similar or different or whatever.

Hanna: come into the dressing room I have to try on this stuff anyway.

Alison follows Hanna into the dressing room quietly.

Hanna: What's gotten into you? Your getting all let me see your body. It doesn't matter what I look like naked Ali your beautiful.

Alison: Yeah thanks so are you. I have put on a few extra pounds though even tho Em hasn't mentioned it I kinda thought that's we hadn't.. (She trails off embarrassed)

Hanna: Are you kidding? She loves the weight you've gained. She thought we were all too skinny. Why do you think she's always finding a reason to cuddle with you or just touch you period.

Alison: I just thought it was reassurance. Sometimes I just don't feel sexy anymore. Hey I love that bra. Where did you get it? 

Hanna: I got it from Fredericks of Hollywood. It was a set. (Hanna pulls off her jeans) see matched set.

Alison: Wow. Nice. I love that color blue. It's almost the color I paint Ems. 

Hanna: Yeah she loves this color blue. I have more shades of blue underwear then any other color now.

Alison: That's funny. So do I. I thought I was the only one who did that. Emily had on this pink bikini cut one. With her legs and skin tone not to mention curves and those muscles. I couldn't stop staring.

Hanna: Yeah she's gorgeous. Okay I'm naked and you haven't even noticed. We been talking about Emily and bras so I'd guess we are done here?

Alison: Oh geez. Sorry han. Yeah we're done. Your gorgeous but your right. We are very similar.

Hanna: Yep. Knew it.

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