Solidifying our love

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Continued Emison smut!

Alison kisses Emily along her profound jawline. She admired the oval shape of Emily's slender face. She took her time acquainting every area with her lips as she slowly crept along to her slender swan-like neck. 

Alison: Mmm... so graceful and delicious.

Alison continued her explorations of Emily's upper body until she painstakingly arrived at Emily's breast.

Alison: I always admired your breasts. They've really filled out and are so perfectly round. Your nipples being a dusty shade of pink was a surprise, also how sensitive they are. 

She thumbed on purposely.

Alison: Your body responds to me so beautifully Em. 

Alison entwined there fingers together while grinding their lower body parts together determined to make Emily feel just as good as she made her feel. While taking turns flicking her tongue on the center of Emily's nipple while sucking and biting gently she relentlessly slammed her hips down onto Emily's. They finally found release together while looking deeply inside of each other's eyes reflecting promises of love and endless devotion.

Emily: Oh Ali. You forever amaze me.

Alison: That's one promise I intend to make and keep my love. 

The loving couple drifted off once again with words of encouragement, love everlasting, and promises of forever on their lips. It was late or early morning depending on how you look at it when Emily heard voices in the other room. Dishes were rattling and moans and groans sounded slightly above the slapping of skin against skin. Emily unwrapped carefully from Alison's embrace trying not to wake her. With a quick chaste kiss to her lips and hug she rolled her over unto a pillow which she cuddled. Emily slipped on her blue silk robe making sure it was tightly secured. Emily made her way into the kitchen where she saw Hanna bent over the marble table top while a tall bronze blonde guy fisted her hair while pounding her ferosciously from behind. 

Hanna: Oh fuck Jordan can you go any faster. 

Hanna reached down and rubbed her bud in the center of her dripping womanhood while Jordan concentrated on executing her request. 

Hanna: Oh Fuck yes! That's  it. That's  it. I'm almost there.

She felt her walls tighten surrounding his thick member that was trapped deep inside of her as she pulsated her incredible release. If it wasn't for his uncharacteristically large palms holding her up Hanna knew she'd have been reduced to a puddle on the floor.

Hanna: Oh God that was great. 

Jordan: Yes! Your pussy is unbelievable babe.

They shared a passionate kiss with Emily staring at them both obviously oblivious to the couple. She clears her throat but instead of separating Jordan stays buried inside of Hanna who just turns her dimpled smile towards Emily.

Hanna: Hey Em. I just met this incredible guy. Turns out he lives here in the Hamptons and after talking and well a lot of something else we got engaged! 

Emily: Omg you got engaged to a complete stranger. I know your... well Hanna, but getting engaged that's not something I saw coming when you left.

Hanna: What? What's wrong? Did Alison not show up? I'm going to kill her! 

No one noticed that Alison was now standing behind Emily until she grabbed her waist from behind resting her chin on her shoulder.

Alison: Yes I followed your instructions to a tee. But had I known you'd get engaged we'd been in Rosewood and left the Condo to you. Congratulations by the way.

Hanna: Thank you. At least someone is happy for me. So I take it your back to being a happy couple.

Emily and Alison answer in unison: Yes. 

Emily: I'm sorry but I can't be happy for you being engaged to a complete stranger. No offense Jordan. I'm sure your a great guy.

Jordan: I'm not here to take Hanna away from you Emily. She's made it abundantly clear that your relationship comes first.

Emily: What? No. That's not why.. Hanna really?

Hanna: What? We're engaged I thought he should know.

Emily: I'm with Alison now so that's not a concern. If this is what you want then I am happy for you both. Let's go Ali.

Alison smiled at Hanna and followed Emily into the bedroom.

Emily: Can you believe her? She's like a teen-ager. Who shows up out of blue christening furniture and engaged to a complete stranger. Oh yeah, typical Hanna!

Alison: What are you really upset about Em? Is it because she's engaged or because she met someone else she wants to be with?

Emily: I love Hanna yes but it's so totally different from us. Yes you got married and i felt my world crush. I just want to protect her. I don't want her hurt. 

Alison: Then you have to let her go and live her life Em. You can't want forever with me dragging Hanna along. She deserves more. 

Emily: Your right as always. How'd I get so lucky? Gorgeous, smart, great in bed!

Alison: Oh you've seen only a tip of the iceberg Ms. Fields!

Emily: Well I can't wait to see more. Future Mrs. Fields!

Alison: Ooh I'm loving the sound of that. (Alison laughs as she kisses Emily deeply)

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