Where is the love (Hannily)

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Hanna just back from New York and is sitting on her bed inside of her bedroom. Emily knocks on her opened door.

Hanna: Why are you knocking? Come in.

Hanna pats a spot next to her and Emily comes and lays down on her back next to Hanna.

Emily: What's been up with you? You've been gone alot lately.

Hanna: Just stuff with my Mom. Not to mention my job. I got asked to do a few designs for the store. 

Emily: Hey that's exciting news. Congratulations! Why wouldn't you have called and told me when you found out? Are we okay? Or should I be worried?

Hanna: Your Mom called my Mom and told her about our situation. I couldn't even explain it to her no matter how hard I tried. 

Emily turned to her side sitting up to look at Hanna.

Emily: I'm sorry. I had no idea she would do that.

Hanna: Don't worry about it. I knew it was a possibility when you told us. I just thought I was sure of the answers. We love each other. Don't we?

Emily: Yes. Of course I love you Hanna.

Hanna: I don't know. You kind of gush over Alison. It's like we're all three in a room but you always only had eyes for one. I just wonder if I'm fooling myself by being here.

Emily: What brought this on? Talking to your Mom? I'll be more than happy to talk to Ashley and assure her that I'm in love you and it's not just some ..

Hanna cuts her off: I saw Caleb. We've been hanging out in New York.

Emily is both stunned and hurt. Hanna can see it on her face.

Hanna: Just as friends. Well we are trying to be friends. He took me to dinner a few times. 

Emily: Okay. I mean... If that's going to make you happy then.. I guess..

Hanna: That's just it Em. I don't know what makes me happy anymore. I lay here in your arms and its like the world stops but then I walk into a living room and I see a half naked Alison and I see that undeniable undescribable look in your eyes. I just wonder what am I doing here. If I can't explain it to myself I sure as hell can't explain it to anyone else.

Emily: You say you see the look inside of my eyes when I see her right? Come here I want to show you something. Go stand by that mirror over there.

Hanna gets off the bed and stands with her back to the mirror facing Emily.

Emily is getting off the bed and walking towards Hanna.

Emily: Face the mirror.

Hanna sighs but turns and facing the mirror. Emily comes up behind her placing her hands on Hanna's hips.

Emily: Look at my face. (She whispers into Hanna's neck) Look inside my eyes. Is that the look you were talking about?

Hanna I love you both. It may be wrong but I do. I won't say equally but damn its just as much I assure you. I love you enough to want you to be happy whatever that may be. I also love you enough to know that there won't be a day that goes by that there won't be a whole in my heart if your not here with me. 

(She turns Hanna around to face her.)

I love you so much Hanna. I guess I haven't shown it enough. Your usually not into that so I just kinda hold it in but I'd rather you tell me to shut up or stop then for us to ever have a conversation like this again. 

(She kisses Hanna with so much passion and love that she literally causes Hanna's knees to go weak and Emily gladly holds onto her tight enough to keep her upright.)

Hanna: I love you too. I even love Ali. Shh.. Don't tell her that though. (She laughs) She's already insufferable.

Emily laughs: Your secret is safe with me. She's gotten better by the way. 

Hanna: Yeah. But let's face it. She's still Ali.

Emily: Yeah your right. And your still Hanna! Our Hanna banana! (She gives Hanna little pecks on the lips) 

Hanna: God I miss this. Us laughing, talking and joking around. I've been so busy.

Emily: We could always move. I know Ali loves teaching at Rosewood High but she can teach anywhere. I can be a physical therapist at any hospital. It doesn't have to be here. I'm sure New York City has great schools and hospitals.

Hanna: You really would be willing to move there? Just for me?

Emily: Yes. In a heart beat. 

Hanna: I would never ask you..

Emily: You aren't asking. I'm offering. Unless you just need space from us.. From this...

Hanna: Let me think about it. You talk to Alison and make sure its going to be okay with her. 

Emily: Okay. I'll do that tomorrow. I actually came in here to cuddle and watch a movie. What do you say?

Hanna: I'm all for it. I need to relax anyway. 

Emily and Hanna lay on the bed. Emily turns on Netflix and picks an action and adventure movie. She pulls Hanna into her arms.

Hanna: Where is Ali?

Emily: Spending time with Spencer in DC so we can be alone this weekend. 

Hanna: Oh. That was rather presumptuous of her.

Emily: More like her just fulfilling a request from me.

Hanna: You asked to be alone with me?

Emily: Yeah. I haven't spent time with you in over a month. Alison and I get to sneak off together alot. I really missed you.

Hanna: I'm sorry. I just been so messed up lately. After that whole incident with Alison. It was hot but it was mostly done just for shock value. Look at me. I'm still here, kind of thing. You two just seem to get so lost inside of each other.

Emily: I was kinda hoping it would eventually be like for all three of us. I guess I just assumed since you both loved me you'd just start to love each other. I'm sorry I can't choose between you two. But Alison doesn't mean more to me than you do. I never could forget you Hanna. Not that I even want to. 

She kissed Hanna's neck. 

Hanna: Can we stay like this tonight? I'll be your little spoon and you keep telling me how much you love me? 

Emily: Of course. We can do whatever you want this weekend. Your in charge.

Hanna: Mm I love the sound of that Em. 

Hanna closed her eyes and basked in love she felt wrapped up inside of Emily's arms.

__________________________________ ________


Sorry for the note. I know some of you hate them but thanks for reading this. I know it's not like Alison and Emily's love making scene but I just thought Hanna needed the words more than she needed the sexual act right now. That will come later.

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