Pertinacious Emily Fields!

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Alison was on the plane at 6 pm like Hanna said. She wasn't sure what was in store for her in New York but she knew one thing, Alison Dilaurentis did not grovel. She would not be begging Emily Fields to come home with her. If that was what Emily wanted then it would be her decision to return. Alison sipped her glass of wine leaning back resting her eyes. 

She still couldn't believe Hanna called her. But then again Hanna loved Emily. She would've bit down on a bullet if it would make Em happy. Alison refused to be that type of mate. She built up her reputation. Faught hard to maintain it for years. 

She didn't let Emily ruin it when they were in highschool and now that she rebuilt it struggle after struggle she couldn't let it all fall apart again. Have people looking at her like the girl who returned from the dead. Or who they thought killed Mona. Going to church coaching the soccer team having parents pulling their kids from the program because of her. It was those relationships that lead to her becoming a teacher. Now that she finally had established something in her life that was positive and wasn't tainted by Dilaurentis influence she couldn't just throw it away. Not even for the love her life. Emily Fields.

When Alison's plane landed she exited searching for baggage claim when she spotted Hanna.

Hanna ran over to Ali excited and gave her a hug.

Hanna: Hi Ali. You look great. Don't tell me you were starving yourself too.

Alison: No. I just starting back going to the gym and I do yoga with Aria and her Mom.

Hanna: Oh. That's great. So Aria moved back permanently?

Alison: Yeah. She is owner of the book shop after Ezra...

Hanna: Yeah. I honestly didn't see that coming. I'm glad she is running the Brew now. It was a great place to hang out.

Alison: Yeah. Take a break from .. Everything.

Hanna: Yeah. Let's get your luggage. Em should be home soon. I want you there before she comes.

Alison reaches baggage claim and grabs her suitcase.

Alison: So you have everything figured out huh? 

Hanna: Yes. Of course. You both are cliché and open books. I don't have to read the story. You both been Google eyes and eye sexing since we were thirteen.

Hanna popped the trunk and Alison put in her suitcase before getting in the passenger seat of Hanna's car. Once Hanna was inside and driving Alison decided to ask what she deemed a very important question.

Alison: Where do you think you fit in between the Google eyes and eye sexing.

Hanna: I don't.

Alison: Your wrong about that you know. You never did see how much Emily loves you. How right you both are for each other.

Hanna: Enlighten me then Ali. How much does Emily love me?

Alison: Enough to leave me and move to New York city with you. 

Hanna: That's only because she thought you were coming too. She had already resigned and packed by the time she asked you.

Alison: That's exactly not the kind of relationship that want. I don't want someone dictating or making important decisions for me. 

Hanna: Emily isn't like that Ali and you know it. It's just sometimes she forgets that we aren't her. We grew up in different ways and with totally different parents. I mean Spencer gets in trouble her parents lawyered her out of it. Aria gets in trouble she blames someone else. You get in trouble you flirt, lie, manipulate.. Whatever. I got in trouble my mom slept my way out of it. Emily got in trouble her parents made her take responsibility for it. She expected you to follow her because she would've followed you.

Alison: I asked her too. Before, when I pulled her out of that barn. I gave her a choice. Come with me or stay in Rosewood with you guys and A. I was too scared to hear her answer so I left. I ran. 

Hanna: She would've chose you. She felt her lips and said Ali's alive I saw her. We of course thought she was just hallucinating from carbon monoxide in her lungs.

Alison: That's what I was hoping for. 

Hanna: I really missed you Alison. We had lots of fun times together.

Alison: Yeah. I miss you too Hefty! Lol

Hanna laughs: Hey! That's so not funny! 

She pull up at their apartment and the girls get out. They are still laughing and joking as they enter inside. After Alison gets settled and freshen up she helps Hanna prepare their meal. Emily comes home just as they are putting the finishing touches on dinner.

Emily: Hey Hanna! Something sure smells delicious.

Hanna: Hey! That would be your surprise.

She pecks Emily on the lips steering her out the small kitchen and away from Alison.

Hanna: How was work?

Emily: It was okay. Just tired. And hungry! 

Hanna: Good. I'm glad your trying. I have something important I want to discuss over dinner so pay close attention.

Emily: I will! You'll have my undivided attention I promise.

Hanna went back inside of the kitchen and grabbed the plates while Alison grabbed the glasses. They both set the table in the dining room then Hanna called Emily while Ali ducked in the kitchen. She helped Alison bring out the food. Emily dropped a glass of wine her mouth opening with as much force shocked to see Alison.

Emily: I told you she would come Hanna. Now we can all be a family again.

Alison shakes her head no leaning back from Emily's embrace.

Alison: I'm just visiting Em. I meant it when I told you I can't give up my career and move here.

Emily's jaw tightened. She was very angry and very hurt. She still didn't understand why the blonde was being so stubborn. Why couldn't she just move to new York. 

Emily: Okay. Long as you're happy Alison.

Alison: I'm not. I can't be happy when you and Hanna are here. 

Emily: Then I'm really not understanding and frankly I don't want to have this same discussion again. I'm glad to see you but next time don't bother unless your going to move here permanently!

Emily stormed from the room. Hanna following her.

Hanna: That was both harsh and cruel. She came all the way here to see you. Why are you acting like this?

Emily: She's selfish. The same old selfish Alison. 

Hanna: No. You don't get to do that. That woman loves you Em. She flew here because of you. You she is in Rosewood for the same reason I'm in New York so why she selfish? She has students, friends. 

Emily: I only have you two. I need you both. It's insane but I do and if you mention me loving Ali or ignoring you right now I'll kick you out of bed.

Hanna: You do love me. I know it. I never doubted it. It's just that you love Alison differently.

Emily: I tried loving you the same but you told me you hated it.

Hanna: Hated what? The flowers you gave me?

Emily: Yeah. The bracelet you never wore. The baths we never take together.

Hanna: I make fun of it because I'm nervous. I don't hate it. I know you love that type of stuff so how can I hate it?

Emily: I tried showing you love the only way I knew how you rejected it. Now I'm waiting for you to teach me how to love you. 

Hanna: Just be you. Love me the Ali way if that's all you know. I'm going to make of in it but I love you. So its okay.

Emily: I love you too Princess.

Hanna: You haven't called me that since you were my date at the masquerade ball. 

Emily: You'll always be my Juliet!

They kissed passionately.

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