Team (continued)

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The girls had moved on to a team game of Pictionary when Emily got home. She immediately let her jaw drop in surprise at seeing the girls. She secretly had to admit she was most surprised to see Ali.

Emily: Hey! What are you guys doing here?

Aria and Spencer both rushed over and hugged Emily before answering.

Spencer: We came to see Hanna before she relocates to Milan.

Emily: Wow that was really nice of you guys.

Chocolate brown with a hint of sadness and anger meet cerulean blue eyes holding guilt and love meet.

Emily: How long are you going to be here for?

Alison drops her gaze and drinks from her wine glass.

Aria: Just for today. We're leaving in the morning going to D.C. after dropping Han off at the airport. Your welcome to join.

Emily: Thanks but I'm working my residency. Can't miss any days.

Hanna: Yeah Em has been doing 24 and 12 hour shifts. Vacation when that shit is over.

Emily: Definitely! I already have them planned to come see you every chance I get.

Hanna: Your so sweet Em! Go get changed so you can help me beat these bitches!

Emily laughs: Sorry Han, I'm beat. I think I'll go change and lay down a bit.

Hanna and Emily exchange a soft kiss.

Hanna: Okay. Go lay down. We ordered dinner it should be here shortly. I'll wake you when it arrives.

Emily: Actually I had dinner at the hospital. I'm just going to crash. But if I'm not up wake me when you come to bed.

Hanna: Nope. You need sleep.

Emily: Come on. (Emily pouted) I won't be seeing you for a whole year.

Hanna: Emily Catherine Fields I better not be in Milan a whole year without you!

Hanna pouted.

Emily: No. I'm sorry Han. You know I'll visit every chance I get.

Hanna: You better. Also don't think I didn't you and Alison not speaking. Oh and she's married. So you really have a lot to talk about.

Emily looked really shocked and hurt.

Emily: She's married? (Emily huffed) Then know we don't.

She stumped off to the bedroom slamming the door behind her as Alison sighed before drinking the last gulp of wine.

Spencer: This is getting awkward. Maybe Aria and I should just leave and let you three-

Hanna cut her off before she could finish.

Hanna: We could cancel our food delivery and we could leave those two here while we pick it up.

Alison: You can't make us talk Hanna. We've said all that we needed to say.

Hanna: If that were true you wouldn't be looking like the Evil Queen who wants redemption for her dark curse. Get your head out of your ass and go kiss the girl.

Alison: So I'm the evil Queen and Emily is Ariel. How appropriate. I'm married Hanna. There will be no kissing the girl.

Hanna: You could at least attempt redemption then. Talking won't hurt either of you.

Alison: You saw how upset she was. It won't help either. 

Hanna: Well we're leaving. Fix this!

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