twenty two | edited

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She was not surprised. You were feeling so uneasy with life and how you should go about. She didn't even react when you told her. It wasn't any of her concern anymore. You were doing what you thought was best. She wasn't going to tell you off.

"Do you want me to tell Satoru?" she asked walking towards the chair that she usually sat on.

"I don't care anymore. It's a deal I can't back out of," you mutter as a response.

It was true, there wasn't anything that would change Suguru's mind. He wasn't easily swayed. Now that you think of it, he didn't complete what he was going to say when you asked him what Gojo told him when they first met you.

That was etched at the back of your mind. You wondered further if it was negative. It couldn't have been if he had stuck with you until you two become co-workers. It was suspicious and it seemed like the world never wanted you to know.

"Do you perhaps know what Gojo said when he first met me?" you asked out of the blue which caught Ieiri off guard.

She looked up to you. She had no idea what you were talking about. It wasn't like she was really involved with the duo. They were friends, but not as close as you were with them. They never told her things either.

"No. You know that I wasn't that close with them as you were," she replied as her hands rubbed back and forth on her thigh.

You thanked her for answering. Now your mind was focused on something completely different. In wonder of what that stupid mop head had said to his friend that day. He whispered it so quietly that you weren't able to decipher it.

Realizing that an attack of distraction happened at the school. You stand up on your legs. A wince came out of your lips and you place a hand on the bed for support. Ieiri just watched you conscious of the fact that you were able to get up on your own.

"Are the kids okay?" you turn your head to meet her halfway.

"Most likely. The higher-ups had it under control. Along with Satoru's Hollow Purple that separated the fight for the most part," she explained as you made your way to the door.

Grabbing the door knob, you nod before leaving her alone in the medical-smelling room. You started to walk off the pain from your lower back. It was bound to heal soon so might as well try to get used to it being that way.

You walk down the hall with eyes downcast towards the floor. This was the exact place where you made memories with the male duo. Their stupid laughter and stupid jokes made you so interested in them.

You slightly smile to yourself. You reach your room and open the door. It felt like forever since you entered your safe space. Or at least the place that you called home. This wasn't the ideal place anymore though. It used to be the safest place you could be. By yourself that is.

That was until he walked in on you practicing the confession. It was all a horrific scene that you tried so hard to forget. Yet you knew that somethings aren't meant to be forgotten especially if it's a dire one.

You were attached to him. For crying out loud, you were so smitten. And he felt like he was slipping away from your grasps. He made you the happiest that you have ever known. You missed him so deeply so you tried to hold on.

It felt like he didn't need you. You grasp on him since he was the only last hope you had. And if he were to be gone from your fingertips you would not be able to move on. He gave you life, energy, and love.

Now you've become a complete mess over a connection you had with him. You wanted to go back time to stop yourself from falling for him. The way he always made it seem like he was interested.

You were doing so fine without that feeling of love. You weren't missing his touch then and you never had a connection that made you yearn. You were doing fine when you only met him. Wished you went back to your school days.

Suguru was always there to help too. He was the best part of your days. He made sure you were comfortable and always gave clear advice before. He never judged you until later. You were not entirely sure why he always hung out with you more often than Satoru.

"Hey! Stop! Don't touch that!" you yell as the black-haired male tried to grab a hold of a flower necklace you kept in a clear case.

He snatched his hand away when he heard you scold him. He promised to respect all your wishes and words. It wasn't his way of trying to creep in for information. It was just him being as genuine as possible.

"My bad. I'm glad you invited me over first," he smirked and sat on the cushioned bed.

You nod as you fixed the messy floor. You weren't a completely messy person or a neat person. You knew when you were lazy and go up to clean up your mess. He didn't care either so there was no point in cleaning beforehand.

You sat down beside him when you put all your dirty clothes in the hamper. The two of you sit in silence as the ticking of your clock is the only thing heard. You're both staring at the wall in front of your bed.

"Satoru has been wondering what you wanted for your birthday," he broke the calming silence between the two of you.

"Oh really?" you hummed as you began to lay your back on your bed.

"Yeah, what would you like?" he turned his body around to face your sprawled out figure.

A smile plastered on your lips as you bring your hand up to reach for the ceiling. He watches your soft expression think for a moment. You're frozen in place as you began thinking of presents that you wanted.

Something that symbolized you. Maybe at least something that symbolized your interest. Suguru just waited patiently as your mind filed through things you wanted. Until your heart became content with the present that you thought was the best thing anyone could give you.

"Tell him to buy me a bouquet of lotus flowers."

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jessi speaks !
don't forget to vote! and don't be a silent reader!
i love reading comments.

double update. i think i'm sort
of going back to doing good as
a writer. i'm kinda proud of myself.
oh oh, the story is soon to be
over. maybe i shouldn't say how
many chapters there will be left.
so i'll keep it a secret from all
of you.


question of the day:
what is gojo satoru like in
one word?

my response:

my response: beautiful

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