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It had been a few days since you had confessed. Satoru and you have been avoiding each other. The more you realize it, the more it tends to hurt you back.

You try your best to approach him, but you feel as if your entire body shuts down. It would start to build up in your lungs. The blossoms would be stuck to your throat until you walked away from him.

He influenced you so much that it was hard to take care of yourself whenever he was around. Your body would start to act up whenever he was near. Not even seeing him or hearing him, but just knowing that his presence was nearby made you suffer.

There was one time when you had to run away from your friend mid-conversation because he was nearby. You would already feel the blossoms getting stuck in your throat. You would feel it bubble in your throat.

You wish this wasn't the ending, however it seems like life had other plans for you. You continued to write in your diary for weeks. It helped you cope whenever you couldn't keep everything to yourself.

You had to get through life normally now. Along with the blossoms that now grew in your lungs. It would slowly take over your life bit by bit and it would be that way until Satoru was to reciprocate the feelings. Which, by the way, would never happen. He already rejected you, so what was the point of saying the 8-letter sentence?

You slowly made your way over to a river as you were walking down towards the inner part of Tokyo. If someone were to start a conversation with you, you would look up and in an instant people would bid their goodbyes.

Your appearance was horrid. You looked like you hadn't slept in days with how dark your eyebags were. Your cheekbones were showing so much that it was as if you hadn't been eating properly. In reality, you weren't eating that well or sleeping that well either. Being all hungover the fact that you have to live a life of unrequited love until the day you die.

Your eyes also lost their beautiful shining color. The glow it had was gone with your last bit of hope. You were on the thinnest thread of life. You looked like you would collapse if you took one more step.

A cough escaped your dry and pale lips. You were dehydrated and so low on energy. The less food, the easier it would be to let the Hanahaki disease slow down. You didn't want to die, not yet at least. You were only at the peak of your life. Barely even in your thirties, that is. No one wants to die young, especially if it was to unrequited love.

You watched couples happily chatter away with their significant other. Pang after pang hit your heart. You wished that were you. Similar to a position they were in so you could feel comfortable at least closure.

A figure whizzed past you and they had dropped their wallet in the process. They looked like they were in a hurry with how they tried to speed their way by. Your whole body opened up in a cautious motion when it felt a strong presence. You, being the kind being you are, didn't mind the way your body told you to be careful and picked up their wallet.

"Hey, you dropped..." you paused as your words strayed away as the person turned around.

They had their head turned as their body stayed looking ahead. It was the same man from the roof. The replica of Suguru Geto. You stayed in your bent position as you stared them down, as well as them.

"Oh, to have an unrequited love with the one and only Gojo Satoru," he smirked as if he had the upper hand, which in all honesty, he did.

You didn't even bother to retort back at him. You fixed your posture by standing up straight with his wallet still in your hands. You downcast your eyes in a solemn expression that told him that you were holding onto a little bit of life.

"Weak. No wonder why Satoru doesn't return the feelings," he chuckled darkly which you let in your mind.

You didn't care at this point. Being this close to just losing it all was there. He just continued his harsh words which you took as a good reason to lose your life. The way he was right and the way that you couldn't even respond to him explaining how much you were overwhelmed.

You extend your arm out to the fake Geto. You hand him his wallet and lift your face to meet his piercing eyes. You two held a staring contest until you realized that he reminded you of what could've been.

"Why don't you join–"

"Please pretend to be Suguru for tonight," you interrupt, causing the taller individual to raise a brow at your suggestion.

"I can kill you if that's what you want me to do," he responded as he snatched his wallet from your grasp.

He didn't need a wallet. He was free from paying anything. He would usually get away with not paying too so it wouldn't matter if he lost it. The leather material was completely worthless to him.

"Please pretend to be Suguru. Just...for tonight," you repeat as tears brimmed your eyes.

He gulped at your request. He needed something in return. If he wanted to play whatever game you were willing to play. He wanted something to make sure it was worth his while. Why would he even play the comfort character if he could just kill you?

"What's in it for me? Will you let me kill you?" he asked as he placed his hands together.

You, feeling like trash, strike up a deal. Considering how you already contracted the Hanahaki disease, you decided to use it to your advantage. It was either now or never if you wanted to ever be near the only help presented to you.

"If I die from these blossoms growing in my lungs, you are allowed to take my abilities, techniques, legacy, everything, and do whatever you want with it," you answer with your lifeless eyes blinking the moment he lifted his hand to shake on it.

"Then we have a deal," he had a toothy grin as he extended his hand out for you to take.

You glance at the motion and grab onto it. You shake hands with your enemy as he would soon become the reason you continue to live on. You would live life as long as you could so he would never be able to complete the deal.

But three months were ticking by. Let's just hope those three months would be the best part of having continuing your life.

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jessi speaks !
don't forget to vote! and don't be a silent reader!
i love reading comments.

hi, im back from the dead 🙈🙈🙈
i had to take my exams and i kinda
uhhh...failed. really bad.

question of the day:
kill, kick, punch: sukuna, jogo, choso

my response:
kill jogo, kick choso, punch sukuna
jogo is annoying anyways 🤞🤞🤞

my response: kill jogo, kick choso, punch sukuna jogo is annoying anyways 🤞🤞🤞

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