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❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜

Your eyes kept themselves on the man who swung a little kid in their arms. You were staring, off into the distance with no context of where you were or what was happening at the moment. It was completely new to you.

Your eyes then moved to the sky to see that it was a beautiful day out. The sun was shining, but not too bright. The clouds were roaming around the light blue sky. The grass beneath your feet was the best shade of green you had seen. It was so ethereal.

"Go to mama! Go go!" the man in the distance yelled as they lowered the child down to their feet.

The small child had the man's features and most likely your personality if you were the mom. Their white shade of hair and bright blue eyes captured your heart. It had struck a chord in your mind. There was no way this was happening.

The child giggled as you involuntarily crouch down to their level with open arms. You had a bright smile on your lips as the child grabbed onto your body. You pull them up into your arms and watch the man slowly make his way from their last position.

He was slowly taking his time to reach the two of you. His hands were in his jean pockets and his hair was let down. The way his white hair flowed with the wind made him so mesmerizing. A ring shined on his left hand; catching your eyes. You glance down to your left hand to see that you had one as well.

You were married. You had a child. You had a family.

Your eyes began to tear up when he came in front of you. He was smiling at you as he reserved his hand in front of you. Never taking your eyes off of him, you used your free hand to grasp onto his. This was the moment that you've been waiting for. This perfect moment.

It was quiet. Peaceful. Too good to be true. You were right. Gojo Satoru. You were too good to be true. His lips opened and the words that you never wanted to hear in your entire life came to life. It was words that you forbid to let your mind take control of. You kept words such as these away from your mind to keep from overthinking. Now, the show has just begun.

"I would never love someone like you."

You shoot up from your bed with a scream and rapid breathing. You have sweat dripping on every part of your body. You felt hot and scared. This was a nightmare that slowly began a heartbreaking tragedy.

You try to back up against the head of the bed with the sheets slowly falling away from covering your body. Your mind was now in control of what you did. It was taking control of everything you did. Now your heart had to defend as long as possible before it would break.

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