Chapter 9

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Waking up, I yawn quietly and look around at my surroundings. Everybody else is asleep. Even the humans.

Everybody else but Ashton. He sits quietly, watching over everyone like a guardian angel, or a parent. His eyes rest on me, and he gives me a small smile when he sees I’m awake and looking at him.

“Good morning, Little Aria.” He whispers.

“Morning, Ash.” I whisper back, sitting up and shuffling over. “What time is it?”

“Eight in the morning. The others got here at midnight, which is just over half an hour after we got here. You all fell asleep as soon as you got under here. I had to stay awake to make sure they arrived.”


“It’s fine. You all looked so peaceful. It’s quite funny, actually. Nobody was doing anything, and it was so peaceful that it entertained me.  It was a nice feeling, doing nothing. Sometimes life gets too busy, no matter what you're doing. No matter who you are. We all need time off every now and then. If we didn’t need that time, we would have training on a Sunday, and there would be no such thing as a weekend, and we’d all be smarter at younger ages, and maybe humans would be advanced by a couple of years. Our need to rest is really what keeps us tethered to the ground, isn't it?”

“You sound like Einstein.”

“Maybe I met him in a past life.” He says thoughtfully. “I feel like we would have been friends. Best buddies, even.”

“You probably were.” I pause. “A question. Why are you so smart?”

“I payed attention in school.” He replies shortly. From the tone of his voice, I can tell that’s not it. He sees the look I’m giving him and sighs. “I’ll tell you when the sun goes down.”

“It’s not that important.” I whisper hurriedly and he shushes me, suddenly changing.

“Yes it is. It’s important. To me, at least.”

I look at him. I just look. It doesn’t make sense at all.

“When the sun goes down doesn’t mean tonight, does it?”

“It could be tonight, tomorrow morning, in two years at lunch time, whenever. Even midnight.”

“It’s a riddle.” 

He nods, as the others start waking up. “It is, Little Aria. It’s only for you, though. You have to figure it out yourself, and whatever you find out is not to be shared.”

“A secret?”

“Of some sorts.” He nods. “Yes, it is. And you’d better respect that.” He lifts up the side of our little dome, letting light stream onto everyone’s faces. They blink, shielding their eyes. Caleb mumbles something to himself sleepily. “Only you.” Ashton finishes.

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