Chapter 3

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A week passes by, and I learn quite a lot of things. I learn to fight, do a bit of healing, and conjure my vine again. I now have a vine snaking it's way up my arm, ready to slither down into my hand to use as a weapon or grapple. Plus it looks great.

I also learn a few other things, like how Mr Banks was one of us before he became what he was. Or that By is a tech genius, obsessed with Back To The Future, hence the vest, and he's also super smart with science and math.

He's such a nerd.

I don't know much else, because most of my time is spent with Alyssa, who By has insisted teaches me.

He's so weird. By is like a puzzle, just waiting to be solved. Nobody knows anything about him, because he's been here the longest. If I want to know more, only one person can provide the information.

By himself. So I've decided to spend some of my Sunday getting to know the leader of this place.

I knock on his door, and he pulls it open angrily. I flinch, and stand there awkwardly as he realises it's me and his face softens.

"If this is a bad time I can come back later." I offer timidly. He smiles.

"Of course it's not a bad time, Little Aria. I just thought someone was pranking me again." He opens the door a little wider and stands back. "Come in. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I don't suppose you get many visits, do you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't see heaps of people knocking at your door everyday asking for your attention, and the only time we see you is at meal times. I decided you needed company."

He smiles gratefully. "It does get lonely. Sit down." He gestures to the light blue couch beside him, and I do as he says. He plonks himself down beside me. "There's another reason." He says quietly, looking at me. "I can see it in your face. What's up?"

"Nothing." I reply casually. "The gold bangles. What are they?"

"We've all had the gold bangle. It keeps our powers in until we're old enough." There's something familiar about his voice, for some reason. I've only just noticed it. Probably nothing. I decide to change the topic.

"You lost someone, didn't you?"

"W-what makes you say that?" He stammers nervously.

"It's obvious. The way you look after us. You're doing this to make up for it."

"And you watch Doctor Who." He replies cooly.

I smile. "Well, I was trying to sound smart for a moment."

"I watch it too, when I can. That's not very often. I'm trying to find a way to defeat Banks." He says quietly, looking down at his hands. He then looks back at me, guilt filling his face. "You could help me."

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