A year and a half later (IMPORTANT Authors Note)

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Ok, it's now December 2016, and oh my lord has this year been hectic.

I mean, Trump? Really? Not to mention Harambe and every other meme from this year that we humans somehow created. Anyways, the world has changed and so have I. Looking back on this book, I'll be honest, it really needs some major editing. 

That's why I'm leaving it up for one more week, then taking it down. I've copied all the chapters to my laptop, and I'll edit, then re-upload on the account I'm currently using most, domosgood, where I write things with my two friends at the school I go to. I may also change the name to Little Aria. I might do this with any other non fanfiction things I've put on this account. 

What you can do in the meantime to help us while also reading a new story: We have 3 books uploaded. A covershop, a Harry Potter AU fanfic, and our main project, DOME 1.

Humanity has become incredibly sensitive to heat on a molecular level. When it's hot, people lose density and start to float off, and in extreme cases they evaporate. If it gets too cold, they become incredibly dense, which of course makes them heavier and they sink into the ground. Global warming now means that humanity has to live in a dome where the heat is regulated in order to minimise casualties, as it's too hot to live outside. When Aries Preston meets Gregoria Bay after a repair job for a wealthy man goes wrong, she discovers that the truth comes in layers, and the outer layer that everyone sees is all lies. Together, they attempt to uncover the truth.

We have two authors working on the first book in the DOME series, and our third member will be joining us in the second book. We each have a character that we write as, and each chapter focuses on a different character's perspective. I write Aries, M writes Gregoria, and Olive will write Persephone in the next book.

Our main goal here is to tell the story, and to tell it well. We'd really appreciate it if everyone who saw this gave us some feedback! If you enjoy it, even better. I promise, my writing is improving and my grammar has definitely come a long way. We've also planned the story properly and a series is definitely coming up, as I've already started planning the second book. 

So, to sum it all up:

12 Months currently is lacking in a lot of areas so I'm taking it down to work on it, then it'll go up on domosgood, where you'll also find the DOME series. I'm also considering putting some poetry on there, although I'll have to talk to the others about it first. I'll be more active on that account, and soon I'll be able to convince the others that it's a good idea for them to use Wattpad more, because there's actually a lot of good stuff on this website!

To be honest the main point of this was to let you know that when you see this book but different on the other account, ITS NOT SOMEONE COPYING ME, IT IS ME. That's all

I'll see you all over on DOME 1, ok?

~Ericano (now known to most as Des)

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