Chapter 7

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We’re taken away to a dark room somewhere, and tied to chairs. Mr Banks stands in the light that comes through the door. There’s one other source of light, the window.

“You really shouldn’t have come back. I thought my men had taught you a lesson when they burned down your home. Or did that convince you to come back and serve me instead?”

“What do you want?” I ask, gritting my teeth. “You’re supposed to protect the world, not destroy it.”

He gives me a grin similar to one that I would imagine on the face of a mental patient. I shiver uncomfortably.

“I’m not destroying the world, I’m making it better. I’m teaching humanity how to behave. With me to guide them, there will be no more terrorists.”

“Because you will have killed them all.” Responds Caleb. “Reduced them to nothing more than corpses. And you know what? You’re not even punishing them. Death is much better than what you have planned for the survivors. You’re doing every criminal a favour, and punishing the innocent.” He continues bitterly. “What you’re doing isn’t right.”

“Why yes it is. You two think I’m crazy, but I’m more sane than you are. You prefer to let everyone live happy. You prefer having to punish them daily. But if you feed them fear, there is no reason to rebel, and everyone lives in peace.”

“If you believe nobody needs punishments, then you should let us go.” Caleb reasons with him. Banks shakes his head.

“Oh no. You’re not going anywhere. I do believe in punishments. I reserve them for the insane, like you two.”

It sounds silly, coming from him, but also very scary at the same time. I can see it in his face. He’s not going to let us leave.

I shut my eyes and concentrate on what’s going on around us, trying to find a way out. A loophole. When Banks leaves, he’ll obviously have the door closed. At night time, even the one window won’t be of any use. We’ll be trapped in the dark, not knowing what’s around us. I find myself wondering if Caleb knows Ashton’s fire trick. I feel Caleb’s finger tap my hand as I think it in my head, letting me know he does.

At least he’ll be able to see… 

As predicted, Banks leaves and half of the light leaves with him. Caleb’s hand sets itself on fire. I remember that he can’t get burnt unless he wants to. The flames cast a faint glow around the room.

“I’m going to burn my ropes.” He whispers. “I’ll try not to let the flames touch you, but I can’t guarantee that you won’t get hurt.”

He lets the flames travel onto the ropes, and they engulf them immediately. I feel the heat get too close, and a searing pain shoots up my right arm. Caleb jumps up from the chair and blasts water at me, putting the flame out.

“First rule of learning fire, make sure you know some water, too.”

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