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Several months later, after I’ve visited everyone, I return to the Williams Household to pay Ashton a visit, but nothing happens. She won’t even recognise me. Maybe my hopes are too high.

What if she won’t remember me at all, and Ashton said that just to give me hope, so I could make it through the rest of my life?

I visit her again, six months later. I’ve earned my full marks in every element, and I’ve learnt all of our healing and fighting tricks. She still won’t remember me, but she’s starting to show signs of true intelligence. Something not seen in normal babies. She’s starting to remember the start of her life as the first. Once I’m done checking up on her, I visit Rose and Alan again, this time for a few nights.

I have nowhere to go.

I leave them once I know I’m near the limit, and head off to who knows where. I visit my old school, and even try to go back home, but I still can’t bring myself to. I can’t face my dad.

Six more months. I don’t even pay attention to the holidays of the humans, or exactly what day it is, but I know it’s winter. I think I’m nineteen. I can’t even remember. 

I’ve taken to just living out in the open, travelling wherever I please. I visit Ashton again, and this time she can talk. She only speaks Latin, though. I ask for the date. I find out I’m nearly twenty.

Another year has gone by, and Ashton’s vocabulary has expanded greatly. She’s learnt english now, and can tell us exactly what she’s remembering. She can recall historical events, and she’s only two.

At three years old, she tells me what she’s noticed. Every time, her name began with an ‘a’. She thinks that has something to do with it being the first letter of the alphabet. She believes everything I tell her about being my brother, and only nods solemnly instead of denying it, saying that it makes sense, and she’ll get to me eventually. 

Four years old, and she remembers she was Albert Einstein once. I tell her about the time I had told my brother that he would have been Einstein’s friend, and she laughs. She’s close.

At five years old, she has remembered everything. The entire history of the world. Every single detail. She can remember me, too. It’s like she’s my Ashton again.

When she’s eight, I decide to ask her about the song. After all, Ashton did say he finished it. She nods and plods over to the grand piano. She still wears glasses. She’s also quite mature, for an eight year old.

“You see, Little Aria, I was hoping you’d understand. What I said in those last few moments wasn’t nonsense, I was actually quoting.”

“Quoting what?”

“Listen, Little Aria.”

And then she starts playing our song. I understand now. Something Ashton would do just to see my reaction.

When the sun goes down

You’ll be safe and sound

Sly girl, just close your eyes

Aye, say goodnight

Aching in my heart

Craft sets us apart

Cabin made of wood

Academy of good

Sky high, your head is in the clouds

Aerial chases, hunt me down

Brag about victory, my friend

Ashes around us in the end

When the sun goes down

You’ll be safe and sound

I don’t want to leave you

Little Aria


All done!

Also, you readers who read but don't vote or comment, I don't know why but you're the most mysterious people on wattpad. Like who even are you? Did you enjoy my book? Do you want a prequel from Ashtons perspective? I swear to god if I want to know anything about anyone its you guys who don't let me know who you are.

I don't even know.

Anyway, thank you guys for reading, I really appreciate it. So close to 1K!!!! I'll post something on my profile when we hit it.

Thank you all so much! I might add more chapters in randomly, so keep an eye out.


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