Chapter 15

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Four weeks later, everybody is back and the six of us that I predicted are getting ready to leave. Miyako will be in charge while Ashton’s with us, getting everything. This time, we won’t need to use the Military. Before we set off, Ashton disappears around a corner to talk to Miyako. He comes back looking determined. He does the same thing to me, pulling me away from everyone else to talk to me.

“Aria, Miyako’s told me what my plan was. I don’t know if you knew it, but I should warn you it gets dangerous. I also don’t know what the other me would have done, so I’m asking you. Would I have taken you with me?”

“Without a doubt.” I answer automatically. “The old you knows better than to leave me behind to keep me ‘safe’ again. Last time that happened I thought you were dead and if you die today and I’m not there…” I trail off. “No, I’m coming.”

He nods grimly. “You could die.”

“Then I’ll die alongside you.”

He nods once again, and takes me back to our group.

“Let’s go.”

We take off, not saying anything. The flight to England is long, quiet, and uneventful. We’re always travelling around, I realise. When was the last time I was carefree? When was the last time I felt normal? Before all of this. I can’t even remember how long ago I was brought to the camp. I’m used to it now, but sometimes I want a break.

The camp in the forest is eerily quiet. I’m used to seeing this place full of life, but there’s just a wreck of everything, and not a single voice. Ashton walks ahead of us, and stops.

“Now, I’m sure you can all tell there’s nothing left of this place. There’s nothing left to salvage. That’s because I lied.” He turns to face us. Something is different about the way he speaks. Yes, he’s different. Maybe being here has triggered a memory? “Aria, stay close to me and don’t leave my side, whatever happens. That’s an order. I got Miyako to send some more fighters after us, for backup.  We’re not alone in here. I’m sorry, but I needed you five to get here first. You’re all very important.” He starts looking around at the trees, like he expects someone to come flying out of them with a sword. He seems very different. “The thing is, Banks knew we would come back. He knows me so well. He didn’t know that I knew, though, so our fighters will be a surprise. Get ready to fight.” He grins. There’s something wrong with this Ashton. He’s scaring me, because it’s like he’s normal again, but he’s more of a daredevil. 

This Ashton needs to be protected.

“Ashton, are you kidding me? We walked straight into an ambush, and you knew the whole time?” I look around. “Ash, we could die here.”

“Banks may know me well, but I know him as well. He can’t resist it. He’ll want to rub it in that he caught us. He’ll want to brag about victory.” He emphasises the last few words. “I know this because he’s my friend.” He gives me a pointed look. He wants me to remember something. “I told you to remember. Now would be a good time.” What? 

“I thought you meant the gas-“ Oh, never mind. He can’t even remember, anyway.

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