Chapter 5

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“How did I ever forget you?”

“I…” His voice wobbles. “Listen, I only did it so you wouldn’t miss me, or follow.”

“Did what?” I step back. “What did you do?”

“Back when I first arrived, Mr Banks, also known as Joe Banks at the time, was still in training. He used to be one of us, as you probably already know. I had just got there, and he became my closest friend. When I explained what happened, and how I had to leave you with dad, he came up with the idea of that amnesia spray. He did as much as he could, which wasn’t a lot, and I helped him with the rest.”

I interrupt him. “I saw you a year after you left. I forgot about that until now. I forgot nearly everything about you. Why? What happened?”

“This is the part you probably won’t like.” He stammers nervously, like he killed someone. “I might have sprayed you.”

“You what?”


“I know what you did, you idiot.”  I growl.


“Shut up.” I storm away, and he runs after me. I run faster, and he still manages to catch up. When I stop, he crashes into me and we nearly fall over. He puts his arms out to stabilise me.

“I still have to protect you.” He pants. “I promised mum.” He sounds so different now. What happened to his Scottish accent? Did he lose that so I wouldn’t recognise him? It feels like my brother is not the one standing in front of me, but a stranger. That’s not By, either.

“Should have brought me with you, then.” I say defiantly.

“What kind of responsible older brother takes his sister with him?” 

“If he’s going to a safe haven, every responsible older brother but you.” I hiss coldly. “Every brother who cares. What’s worse is that you pretended you didn’t know me.” I say accusingly.


“I didn’t know anyone except Miyako!” I yell. He clamps a hand over my mouth.

“We are still being hunted down. Joe probably has his little pets looking for us. What’s worse is we haven’t had time in the camp to establish a safe meeting place in case anything like this happened. I can find the house leaders but that’s it. So less yelling, if you please.” 

I start crying. “I don’t know who you are anymore. You’re not my brother. You’re not By.” I step back to eye him up. When I speak up, my voice is low and full of hatred. “You walk out of my life just like that, leaving no trace behind but forgotten memories. I cried myself to sleep every night. It hurt. I couldn’t breathe, sometimes. I had nobody. I sat in my room all by myself. I stopped talking to people. I stopped trying to make friends.” I take a deep breath. “Because of you I stopped trusting people.”

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