Chapter 16

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Sadly, that wasn’t the end. Sure, it was the end of people dying, but now we had to count the dead, because apparently Ashton decided to invite the whole camp as backup. Now we had to find a new leader. Now we had to do everything you do after battle. The first thing I get to is retracing my steps, and finding Ashton’s body. Caleb had offered to come with me, but I want to be alone.

“I’ll find you soon, big brother.” I whisper, attempting to pick the body up. “I’m going to find you, and I’m going to talk to your new parents. I’m going to tell them all about you. Who you are, and what you can do.” I don’t like not getting a reply from him. I don’t like the fact that he’s dead. He’s heavy, and I can’t lift him off the ground.

“Need help?” I hear the voice of Caleb. I roll my eyes. 

“I said leave me alone.” My voice wobbles. Slowly, he walks up to me, crouching down and hugging me. I cry into his shoulder. “I feel so stupid.”

“It’s natural, Aria.” he whispers. “Now shut up and let it all out. Don’t you dare hold it in, or you’ll get depressed and stuff.”


“No. Actually, I don’t know. I was just guessing. How should I know? I’m not a doctor!” A few minutes later, once I’ve calmed down a bit, we lift the body together. Caleb starts to talk again. “High Peaks was only temporary. We’re moving back here.”

“Is this our last time moving?”

“I hope so. All this moving around is really confusing. Where do we live? What are we even doing?” He smiles. A big smile, too big. He’s trying to cheer me up. I glance at the dead body we’re carrying.

“Imagine if a human policeman saw this. We’d be in trouble.” I try to smile. “I’m almost hoping that happens. That would be fun.”

“Finally catching on to the fun of danger and obstacles? Scouters get that all the time. That’s why I’m signing up for it later.”

I look back at Ashton’s dead face. “He’s dead. Who’s taking his place? Are we having a meeting or something to decide?”

Caleb doesn’t answer. My eyes trail back up to him. He just stares at me. He slows down. Soon, he stops walking altogether. He glances down at Ashton, then back at me.

“He told me not to tell you this, but he wasn’t that stupid. It wasn’t an accident. Dying was his victory, not Banks’s. He’s so good at planning, he predicted it. Way before we even rescued you. He knew.”

“Caleb, what do you mean?”

“You know what I mean. Who was the last person he spoke to before we left? Who did he pull away from everyone else to speak to in private? And not you, you’re too young.”


“There we go. She’s our leader.”

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