Broken Promises

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I was in my second turn of my pirouette when a loud crash of the door opening startled me and threw me completely off balance, all of a sudden my pointe slipped and the next thing I knew, I had lost my spot and gone flying. I didn't need to worry though because suddenly I was pulled out of the air and caught into Tom's arms.

Making it seem a lot worse than it really was, I pressed myself firmly into Tom's arms and wrapped mine around his neck.

**This is where we pause. I know I said a couple of months ago that I hated the man whose arms I was currently in, and I know I also said I would never have feelings for him. That part is still true, it's just a crush.. that's all.. A tiny little crush. Ok you may continue now**

"You ok? That looked like a nasty fall, I think you twisted your ankle then" he asked rubbing the neck of my foot gently before placing me down, trying to keep my weight off it.

"Nothing a ten minute break can't fix" I replied cheerfully, for some reason, today I was extremely happy to see Tom. More so than any other day. I just couldn't figure out why.

Things quietened down suddenly and Tom seemed distant. I noticed that his eyes looked sad and they didn't have the usual shine to them like they normally did. He broke away from me quickly, suddenly growing nervous.

"Tom what's the matter?" I asked, stepping towards him slightly, only for him to take a further step away. "What's going on?" I added, curious at why he suddenly had a change of attitude towards me.

"I have to go" he answered, a tear in his eye. I frowned confused, where? When?

"Go where Tom? It can't be that bad can it?" I joked trying to lighten the mood. He didn't even crack a smile.

"I have to go to Paris... tonight. It turns out the director for the film needs me to do some prepping with the actors before the audition next Saturday. And that also means I won't be back in time for the exam" my heart shattered. Not only did I lose my dance partner, Tom also broke the one promise he made to me. A tear rolled down my cheek, but I managed to wipe it away before Tom even attempted to.

"W-what?" The shock hit me like a freight train and then suddenly I broke. Tears streamed and my breathing got faster as the panic suddenly set in.

"In all fairness, I thought the audition would be here in London, that's where they're shooting the film so I assumed-" Then the anger hit me.

"I don't care what you assumed Tom! You told me, no, you promised me you'd be here for my exam, audition or not, you so bravely put it! I can't believe it! Do you realise what this does to me? What position it puts me in?! I now only have one week to find a new partner and teach them your part of the dance! Do you not think I'm here enough in the day? And now you've gone and thrown this on me! Screw you Tom! Get out!" I picked up his dance kit from the floor and launched it at him, then slowly backed him up towards the door. The second he was on the other side of the threshold I slammed the door in his face and locked it so he couldn't get back in.

That was when the tears finally took over. I sunk down to the floor, my back sliding against the door until I was sat down, my knees bent up to catch the tears that fell from my cheeks and where I began to sob for at least an hour.


I arrived back at my flat completely shattered from the day's events. Not only had Tom gone back on his word and broken the only promise he made me, he had also turned me into a blubbering mess caused by the shattering of my heart. How could I have ever had feelings for that man?! I was stupid and didn't listen to my head, that's why! Once again I had followed my heart and lost someone who I deemed close to my heart. And again I was alone.

I picked up the phone and punched in Miss Turner's home number. She picked up, shocked to hear my voice, but even more surprised for the reason I was calling.

"But that's only given us a week to find a new suitable partner! Why has he only told you this now?" Her concerned voice asked from her end of the line.

"He only found out yesterday evening Miss Turner. I feel utterly stupid for relying on him for this. I should have thought of a back up dancer just in case. I feel totally humiliated!" I replied with a sob, the tears beginning to return. I didn't want to cry anymore, my head hurt, my eyes stung and I had a sore throat from all the sobbing. In all honesty... I felt like crap.

"Please don't you worry about it Emma. I will not let you stress out a week before your biggest exam yet. I shall deal with it. Now try to relax and get some rest. Take a day off tomorrow and stay home ok?" Her tone had begun to reassure me slightly and I agreed to take a day out of practice. I didn't particularly want to do anything the next day anyway, I wasn't in the mood.

Once she'd hung up, I placed the phone back in its cradle and went to the kitchen to retrieve the large bottle of white wine I had left in the fridge to chill for the weekend.


3 hours and 2 bottles of wine later, I was positively drunk and should probably have had gone to bed. And I would have if I hadn't have received a text message from Tom.

I'm sorry about everything Emma. I can't apologise enough! I want to be there with you, you know I do. I just can't say no to an opportunity like this. I do hope you can forgive me. If not for our partnership, at least for our friendship. I'm sorry darling - T xxx

After reading and rereading Tom's message, I finally built up the courage to reply and I must admit, it was very spiteful. But he deserved it.. didn't he?

What friendship? There was nothing to save. I may forgive you someday, but I doubt I'll ever want to see you again Tom. Stay out of my life. - Emma.


Waking up the next morning was the hardest thing ever. I rolled over to find my phone attached to my cheek from where I had fallen asleep on it. Squinting my eyes to avoid a greater headache, I unlocked the screen and it automatically flicked onto my text messages. I reread the messages from the previous night and groaned. How could I be such an idiot?! Of course I would forgive Tom and there was no way I wanted him out of my life! Oh what an idiot I was!

Suddenly a message from Tom flashed onto the screen, bringing back some hope that he saw through my foolishness. I was far from right.

Ok Emma, I understand. Goodbye. - T

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