Chapter 23

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       "Oh, uh hello!" Wheatley said nervously. 

       Glados couldn't believe he was still alive. She was still furious with him as much as she was before. Just seeing him standing there made her irritated. She was glaring at him, which he was oblivious to. 

       He looked at her and felt guilty and upset with himself. He sighed. "I'm so sorry for what I've done. Sincerely." He started to walk toward her a little bit more. "I know you probably don't forgive me yet and I understand that. But please. Can we just forget this all happened? It's all in the past now. No need to-"

       Wheatley was cut off by a harsh blow to his face. She punched him. He toppled over a little bit before straightening himself back up again, looking at her, kind of surprised. She still glared up at him, still as angry as before. 

       She was going to hit him again before Chell grabbed her hand and stopped her. Glados started to struggle to get out of her grip, wanting to lunge at him.

       "Stop it! Let me go!!" She yelled at Chell before looking back at Wheatley. "I hate you! I really do! You are such an IDIOT!!" 

       She broke out of Chell's grip and was about to hit him before Chell wrapped her arms around her this time, causing her to not be able to get out this time.

       Glados froze, her anger lowering and her fear rising. This reminded her of how the scientists trapped her and dragged her away. She wasn't able to escape no matter how much she struggled.

       Her mind was sent into fight or flight as she now struggled against Chell. Tears came up in her eyes as she panicked and scratched at her arms frantically, yelling at her. 

       It took Chell a second before realizing that she made Glados scared and quickly let go of her. Glados stepped away from her, looking at her with shock as her tears rolled down her face. 

       Chell was wide eyed, not believing what she had just done. "Glad... I'm so sorry..."

       Glados just shook her head a little bit as she stepped back some more. She quickly turned on her heel and ran away from her.

       "Glad wait!" She started to follow her before stopping herself, realizing she probably wants to be alone right now. She sighed and turned back to Wheatley. "I'm sorry about her doing that to you."

       Wheatley seemed surprised for a second before shaking it off. "Oh, no it's alright! I understand why she would react that way. I hurt her and you. I deserved that."

       "No you didn't. Yes, you did something that upset us, but punching you wouldn't make it any better." Chell said to him.

       He just nodded. "Ah, right. Right." He was silent for a second. "So uh, you two know each other more now?"

       "Yeah. Well, I've always known her. I was actually just trying to help her remember."

       "Oh, really? Then why did she panic like that just now?" 

       "I reminded her of her past. Not a good part of her past though. I scared her..." Chell sat down. "Man, I'm terrible..."

       Wheatley quickly came over to her and bent down. "No, you're not terrible luv! You were just trying to hold her away from me! Don't worry! It's my fault. If you guys hadn't found me, then maybe none of that would happen..."

       "It's not your fault Wheatley. I'm glad we found you, honestly."

       It went quiet for a moment before Chell started talking again, standing up off of the ground now. "Well, we should probably go find her now."

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