Chapter 20

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       It's been a few hours later and Glados and Chell have just been talking together, catching up with each other.

       "It's been pretty boring down here. Lonely too." Glados said.

       Chell was thinking for a second. She didn't know how Glados was going to respond but it was worth a shot. "What if you come up to the surface with me?"

        Glados' eyes went wide and she shook her head. "I'm fine down here. I'm not going back out there. Never in a million years..."

       "Well you can't avoid it forever. At some point, you're going to have to go back out there."

       "I know that, but not right now. I'm not ready yet..."

       Chell sighed. "If you ever change your mind, just tell me. I'd be right by your side the whole time while we're out there." 

       Glados was quiet for a few seconds. "You said something about my parents. How are they?"

       Chell looked back at her and lightened up a little. "They're doing pretty good. They miss you a lot though."

       "They do?"

       "Of course they do! Why would you think they wouldn't?"

       "Because of the things I've done. It's unforgivable.." Glados got a few tears in her eyes. "Why would they miss a terrible person like me? I almost killed them with neurotoxin when I got control of this place."

       Chell went over and hugged onto her, calming her down. "They miss you because you are their daughter. Nothing could change that." She looked at Glados. "That wasn't your fault. It was the scientists fault. I wouldn't blame you for that; you weren't in control and you were angry. That is understandable." 

       Glados hugged her back and just nodded a little bit. "Alright..." She let go and wiped her tears off of her face. Now that she thought about it, she was really curious to what it looks like outside now. She was getting a little embarrassed to ask now, but she did it anyways. "Actually, do you think you could go outside with me?..." Glados looked away from her.

       Chell smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I can. Do you want to go right now?"

       Glados nodded. 

       "Alright, let's go then." 

       Glados unplugged herself and walked over to the elevator with Chell. They stepped inside and it brought them up. 

       "So, what do you want to do when we get up there?" Chell asked.

       "I want to see my parents again..." 

      "We can do that." Chell smiled at her.

       The elevator reached the top and the door opened. It took Glados a few seconds to get used to how bright it was from the sun before stepping out and looking around at the wheat. "Wow... a lot has grown."

       Chell nodded. "Sure has."

       "So, where do we go?"

       Chell pointed ahead of her. "That way." She started to walk as Glados followed her.

       Chell started to hum a little bit as they walked. Glados listened to her; it was the only thing keeping her from being nervous. 

       Eventually, they got into the neighborhood. Glados looked around at the houses she recognized from when she was little. It all looked the same as it did before. Even though she remembered all of this, she was getting more nervous. Without realizing it, she was holding Chell's hand in hopes that that would calm her down. Chell seemed surprised but she held her hand back, rubbing it a little with her thumb to tell her it was okay.

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