Chapter 9

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       Glados wakes up and looks at the time. She sees that it is currently ten in the morning. She usually wakes up earlier than that. It didn't matter though. She got ready for the day and walked out of her room. Chell is usually here at twelve, so she still has a couple hours to herself.

       Finally, after a few hours, Chell got here. They went to Glados' room and talked for a little while. Then, the talk about the A.I came up. 

       "Glados, you really got to stop talking about this. It's making you really paranoid, I can tell." Chell said, putting her hands on her hips.

       "I know..." She sighed, "I know..."

       Chell wrapped an arm around her. She knew that Glados was upset right now thinking about it and the best that she can do for now is to just be there for her friend. She brushed off her being so worried and hugged her. Glados hugged her back and calmed down.

       "Thank you, Chell."

       "No problem." Chell smiled.

       Glados and Chell walked to where Wheatley was to hang out with him. Sometimes they don't prank him and just like to talk to him. He's a really fun person to be around. Kind too. Glados has known him for as long as she could remember. She sees him as a sort of uncle figure. He is so caring to her all the time and is good at listening to what she has to say. 

       "Hello Wheatley!" Glados said with a grin

       Wheatley turned around and smiled at them, "Hello there! So, what have you guys been up to?"

       "Not much really. There isn't anything to do right now." Glados said, scuffing her foot on the floor.

      "Oh, well then..." Wheatley was trying to think of something to do. "Oh, I know! We could go get Doug and convince him to hang out with us again. Pull him away from work like last time.

      "Yeah!" Glados and Chell said.

       Doug is also someone she has known for her whole life. He has always been more gentle and kind to her. He pays more attention to her than Cave and Caroline currently are at the moment.  She sees Doug as a more fatherly figure than she does her own father. Her own father only says hello to her now and when she tries to say some more things, he seems to ignore her. 

       They got to where Doug was and Glados ran up to him from behind and hugged him. 

       Doug was surprised by her and laughed a little, "Hello Glados! How are you?" 

       "Good." Glados said to him. "What are you doing?"

       "Oh, just working on the ASHPD."

       "English please." Glados said sarcastically.

       "Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device." Doug said, "and I know you knew what I meant goofball." He ruffled her hair a little with his hand, playing around with her.

       She straightened her hair out and laughed. She playfully punched him in the arm. 

       "Oh no! I'm so hurt! I think I need medical attention!" Doug said sarcastically and laughed. "So, what are you doing here?"

       "Oh, we were wondering if you wanted to hang out with us for a little bit. Drag you out of work." Wheatley said.

       "I don't know. I really should be working on this." Doug said rubbing the back of his head.

       "Aww come on! You're no fun." Glados said. "Or are you just too much of a chicken to be caught by my dad?" She laughed.

       "I'm not a chicken!" He said. He was convinced now. "Alright, fine I'll come with you guys."

       "Yeah!" Chell said, nudging him on his shoulder. "We make him not boring once again!"

       Glados, Wheatley, Chell, and Doug just laughed. Doug grabbed his keys and took his lab coat off. "Okay then, where to?" 

       Glados thought for a second before coming up with an idea. "Ice cream?" she said.

       Everyone agreed and got into Doug's car, driving off to the ice cream shop. It was about a twelve minute drive, but they got there. Glados got mint, Chell and Doug got vanilla and Wheatley got blue moon.

       Glados was enjoying everything before she started thinking about that project again. She kept thinking about it after that and couldn't stop. It bugged her so much. She just wanted to forget about that stupid, little thing.

      They eventually finished and drove back to the facility. They walked in and Doug went back to work. Wheatley went back to working as well and Glados and Chell went and hung out in Glados' room again.

       Glados was drawing and Chell was sitting upside down in a Chair, bored. Glados was drawing a picture of her older self from her dreams. She didn't understand. What was going to happen later? Is it just a dream? It was confusing to her. She needed it to be explained to her why this project is taking place and why they are doing this behind her parent's backs.

       She sighed and continued to draw, trying to get her mind off things. The only things she ended up drawing are things about the A.I. No matter what, it comes up in everything she does. 

       Chell eventually had to leave. Glados said bye to her as she left her room, closing the door behind her. Glados layed down on her bed and just thought about everything that is going on right now. She got some tears in her eyes and ended up crying. She sobbed into her pillows as she layed down on her bed. She was stressed.

       She eventually cried herself to sleep, having the same dream again...

//Sorry for not updating for about two weeks! I've been busy lately. I will start to do them every Saturday again!//

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