Chapter 5

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       It felt like hours until she went back to Aperture, even though it was only about forty minutes. She hopped into the backseat and they headed off. It was only about a ten minute drive to Aperture from their house. She looked out the window, staring at the trees passing by the window. 

      They finally arrive and walk in. Glados knows her way around this facility so she walks to the break room which is where her and Chell usually hang out. Chell should be here any minute now. She usually isn't too far behind her.

      After waiting for almost five minutes, Chell arrived and found where Glados was. 

       "Heya Glados. What are you doing?" Chell looked over Glados' shoulder.

       "Not much. Just writing."

       "What are you writing about?" She read the first few sentences, "Oh, you're making a story?"

       "Basically." Glados set down her paper and stood up, "I need to show you something! Come on!" She said grabbing Chell's hand and speed walking.

       "What is it? Did you figure out more about the A.I?"

      Glados didn't answer her until she got to the room with some blueprints. On the blueprints, there were outlines of sketches of what the ports were going to look like. There were seven ports in total. The largest one in the middle and smaller one's surrounding it. There were also sketches of concept designs of what it was going to look like all plugged in. 

       "Are we even allowed in here?" Chell questioned. Chell doesn't like being caught or being in trouble, so when they do things like this, she is the big worrier. 

       "No, but I snuck in here when the engineers went on lunch break. Their not coming back anytime soon. I know that for sure." 

       Chell sighed a breath of relief, "Good cause I don't want to get caught."

       "You worry too much." Glados laughed and playfully punched Chell's shoulder.

       They focused back on the blueprints, "By the looks of it, they are wanting to plug in a human to this robot. I don't know how a human could possibly power a machine like this." 

       "Yeah. That's kind of weird once you think about it, y'know?" Chell said rubbing the back of her head.

       "I'm not sure what to think about it. It just seems off in my opinion." Glados grew uncomfortable standing here. It felt as if something was going to happen later on, "We should probably get out of here now."

       Chell nodded her head in agreement. She could tell that Glados was feeling uneasy and not like her normal self, so she decided to distract her by doing something fun instead to get her mind off things that are worrying her. They did things like drawing and playing around with the other workers at Aperture. Mostly Wheatley like always. He's always too easy to trick and he never even realizes it for hours most of the time. 

       This time they did something simple by putting a sticky note under his mouse sensor so that it wouldn't work when he used it. He spent a good thirty minutes trying to figure out what was wrong. That was painful for Chell and Glados to watch but at the same time, in their opinion, it was hilarious. 

       Chell continued keeping Glados busy to distract her. It started to get late. There was a sunset outside and they both love watching them, so they took the stairs to the roof of Aperture and sat down, looking at how pretty the sunset was. Glados had a question for Chell though.

       "Hey... Chell?"


       "Do you think we will still be best friends in the future?" 

       "Of course we will. I'll never stop being your friend and I'll never stop supporting you." Chell hugged Glados, "What made you start thinking that?"

       "None of our parents hang out with their childhood friends anymore, so I got kind of worried that eventually that would happen to us when we grow up."

       "I promise you I'll always be here for you. Even when we're grown ups."


       Chell nodded her head and shortly after hugged her best friend. They stayed out there until the sun was completely gone. They walked back inside and went to Glados' room. They colored and drew pictures while laying around. They laughed at each others jokes and just had a good time. Glados was calm now and mostly forgot about feeling bad about the blueprints. They eventually fell asleep for a little bit. Since it was winter time as well, the sun was going down earlier than normal. It was only five o'clock in the afternoon when they fell asleep.

       Glados woke up first from a dream. It was a weird dream like Chell's except she was older and she was wearing this suit. She had white hair and was in a large room in the facility. She was also standing on some sort of pedestal. She looked behind her for some reason but as soon as she looked, she woke up. 

       She didn't understand all of this. Why was this happening? What happened to her? She looked over at the clock and it was now 7:30. She didn't fall back asleep. Instead, she drew more pictures to distract herself. She tried her best not to wake up Chell because she wanted her to rest. She can handle this alone. She knew she could. 

       Another hour passed, and Chell finally woke up. Glados didn't share her dream with Chell because she didn't want her to worry. Chell eventually had to leave, so they said their goodbyes and she left. Glados let out a sigh and layed down in her bed and fell asleep.

//Sorry this one is so short! I really couldn't think of anything exciting! God, I wish that they were 15 or 20 already. That's when the story gets more interesting.//

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