Chapter 11

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       Glados' eyes widened as the mainframe took over and the pain subsided. Not too long after she started to get mad. She felt betrayed and heartbroken. Some tears appeared in her eyes as mainframe spoke to her for the first time.

      "Kill them. They hurt you terribly and are going to continue if you don't do it. Or, you can be too much of a wuss to do anything. Too weak to defend yourself and stand up. Too much of a crybaby to stay strong and not break down." 

       Glados shook her head in response, even though it is only mainframe that knows what she is disagreeing with.

       "No? Oh, that won't work. If you won't do it... I'll do it myself.

       Mainframe was controlling her now. On the screens that the scientists were looking at, it showed her as being corrupted. 

       Glados had a mixed look of indignation and anger on her face. She was furious, and mainframe is just getting stronger. She couldn't control her actions or what she said anymore. Before she realized it, she turned the neurotoxin on and killed all the scientists in the room. Well, all except Doug, who found a way to hide. 

       The alarms started a few seconds after the neurotoxin started to flood the place. Glados changed into a suit that seemed to be designed for this. For her. 

       Chell woke up immediately when the sirens turned on. She looked around the room and saw that Glados wasn't there. She started to panic immediately and ran out of the room, down the hall towards the main chamber. She got a feeling of deja vu. It was just like her dreams, exactly like this. Running down a hall to find someone important to her. Except this time, she knows who she is trying to find. She pinched herself to make sure this was real, even though she was really wishing that this was a little trick. 

       It seemed like it was taking forever to get there. She started to cry out of frustration. She was scared for Glados and she was mad at herself.

       'Why couldn't I wake up earlier? I really hope she's okay. It's going to be my fault.'

       This wasn't her fault though. It was the scientists and their messed up minds. Somehow, it still felt like hers. 

       She finally got to her chamber to see Glados facing away from her. The whole time she has been referring to Glados in that dream as the "white haired lady." To realize it was her best friend horrified her. "G-Glados..." 

       Glados turned around to look at her. She had a stern look on her face now. 

       Chell started to walk forward towards her. She was concerned and worried. This is what she saw in those dreams this whole time. She was just seeing the future events...

       "Who are you?" Glados said in a monotone voice.

       "I- What do you mean? I'm you're best friend. Do you not remember that?" 

       "I guess I don't because I do not recognize you." 

       "How? We've been friends for ten years Glados, and you're telling me you don't recognize me?"

       Glados sighed, annoyed, "I don't know who you are, but I don't like you. Now, let's get to business." 

       A claw came down from the ceiling and grabbed Chell by her waist. She struggled, trying to get out of it, but nothing happened. Glados' grasp was too tight, plus she would probably break something if she did get out. The claw dragged her out, bringing her to a different room. 

       The room was all glass except for the floor of course. There were some clothes on the bed. She picked them up and looked at them. There was an orange jumpsuit, two tank tops, one blue and the other white with the Aperture logo on the chest. There were also long fall boots on the ground, sitting up against the side of the bed. She put everything on but the long fall boots; there wasn't a need for them right now, but she knew there would be eventually. 

       Chell sighed and put her hand over her eyes, sitting down against one of the walls. She needed to think for a little bit; this was all happening so fast. She sat there and cried for a little while. Chell felt terrible for Glados and what happened to her, but there wasn't anything she could do about it now. She just has to stay strong and find a way to remind her. She was not going to let Glados just forget about all of their memories they had together as friends. 

       She wiped her tears away and sighed. If she has to fight to get Glados to remember then she will. Chell stood up and stretched a little before looking around the room more. There really wasn't anything in there besides a little table with a radio on it, a toilet, and the bed. She saw that there really wasn't anything else to do than just sit there for now. She didn't want to go to bed yet because she already knows that she's going to be sleeping for a while. She sat down on the bed and distracted herself for a while by doing things like humming or messing around with the radio. She got bored of that and realized there really wasn't any other option than to just go to bed. 

       She layed down and closed her eyes. The glass rolled over her, closing her in. It turned on and she was asleep. Now, she just had to wait...

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