Chapter 10

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       Glados and Chell are currently hanging out, spying on the things that they shouldn't be looking at. It's the A.I project, like always. They are fifteen years old now and as time went on, this project just became more and more suspicious. Glados is searching through the papers and Chell was looking at the blueprints they had found before. 

       Glados found a paper that seemed to point out to her. The label for the document had her name on it. Everything was capitalized except the A. 

       "Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System?" Glados said to herself. 

       She put the paper down quickly before walking away from it, trying to forget. She walked over to Chell to check out what she was looking at. Chell was still looking at the port blueprints. 

       "Why would they even want to plug a human into this thing? Can't they build an android?" Chell asked.

       It sent a chill down Glados' back. She brushed it off and looked away from it. "I have no idea why..." 

       Chell could tell something was wrong by the way Glados was acting. "What's wrong? Did you find something?"

       "No." Glados said quickly before crossing her arms, looking somewhere else.

       Chell decided not to push it and brushed it off. She respected Glados enough to not pressure her into saying things that make her uncomfortable. "What else should we do?" She asked.

       Glados shrugged, "We could go find Wheatley or something. Or we could just walk around." She sighed, "There isn't really much to do here, like always..."

       "We could walk around if you want to." 

       So that's what they did. They walked around and talked about stuff for a while before something caught their attention, a certain room to be specific. They saw Doug walk into that room before they quickly walked over to the now closed door. Both of them looked up at the top of the doorway to see the words "Main Chamber" on the wall. 

       "What's even in there? What are they working on?" Chell asked.

       "I don't know. Want to sneak inside?" 

       Chell thought about it before sighing and giving a little nod. 

       They found their way inside and hid behind some panels that still needed to be put in place, peeking around the sides. They saw wires hanging from the ceiling and four screens around the top. It looked huge. Glados felt scared and nervous at the sight of it. She found Doug working on what seemed to be the ports from the blueprints. He was putting all the pieces in place. She didn't know that Doug was working on this. She thought he was still working on the ASHPD. It surprised her to find this out. 

       She couldn't be in this room any longer. If she stayed, she would probably end up getting too stressed out by all of this. She grabbed Chell and quietly and quickly walked out without the scientists noticing. 

       Chell seemed worried for her, "What is it?" 

       Glados could barely speak right now; she was terrified and confused. "I have no idea. I don't feel like sharing it right now." She tried to calm herself down.

       Chell hugged her to calm her down more. She was scared for her friend. They walked for a little bit longer to get Glados to settle down. She eventually did and they both went up to the roof to watch the sunset like usual. 

       Glados didn't act like her usual self for the whole rest of the night. She seemed timid, anxious, and upset. No matter what Chell did, nothing helped. 

      She decided to spend the night here at Aperture so that she can be there for her friend. If she went home, she would be worrying way more and wouldn't be able to sleep. When one of them are upset, both of them are upset. 

       It eventually got dark out and Chell started getting tired. They were in Glados' room now and both of them were just hanging out in there. Chell eventually fell asleep on Glados' bed. Glados had other plans though. She decided to go sneak around and look at the papers again. 

      As she walked through the halls, she kept her eyes on the ground. She didn't want to look at anything right now; She just wanted to get to the papers.

       She got to the room and was looking for the paper that she saw before. It was gone now. 

       'One of the scientists must have took it.' She thought. She sighed and started to walk to the door before running into one of the scientists and falling over. She looked up to see Henry and one of the other scientists standing over her. She started to back away from them.

       "We were searching for you. We knew we would have found you here." Henry stated. "So, we can either do this the hard way or the easy way. Which one is it going to be?" 

       Glados' eyes widened in horror. She slowly stood up, backing away from them. She picked up her pace a little before turning towards the opposite door and sprinting away from them.

       "Get her!" Henry shouted as he started to run towards her with the other scientist in front of him.

       Obviously, Glados was faster than them. She eventually got away from them to find somewhere to hide. She found an empty closet and decided to hide in there. She closed the door and sat down, hoping that they won't find her there. 

       She could tell that they were getting close because she heard Henry shouting.

       "I don't care what you have to do! Find that girl!" Henry shouted.

       Tears were running down Glados face as she held her hands over her mouth, hopefully muffling any sounds that come out of it. 

       Henry was right next to the door now, his hand on the handle about to open it. As soon as he opened it, Glados kicked him hard in his shins, causing him to fall over. She tried to make a run for it, but the other scientist grabbed her and tightly held her over his shoulder. She was struggling to get out of his grasp. 

      Glados was yelling for help, but there was no response. No matter how many times she called, her pleads went unheard. She was kicking him and squirming around, trying her best, but he was stronger. She cried out of frustration and panic. 

       He eventually got her to the main chamber. There wasn't any use fighting against it anymore. She was tired from struggling and crying. 

       They put cuffs that connect to the ground on her arms and legs, causing her to not struggle against them. Her heart was racing.

       "This won't hurt one bit." Henry said.


       They were getting the first port lined up to her back. Once they got it lined up, They put it in place. Glados yelled from the pain and tried her best not to fall over. She felt extremely weak.

       They eventually finished them all. Glados was surprised that she wasn't dead from all of this. She still had some fight in her though. When Henry picked her up, she still struggled and kicked at him. As Henry put her down to put the wires in, Glados caught sight of Doug. She felt betrayed. He was like a father to her and now he is helping with this? 

       "DOUG YOU DIRTY RAT!" Glados cried and shouted at him.

       The other scientists laughed. They thought it was funny, But Rattman felt guilty. He didn't want to help out with this but he had no choice. He had a few tears in his eyes, but wiped them away. 

       Glados was fully plugged in and they turned on her system. Her hair turned white from the roots to the ends. 

       Then, the announcers voice came over the intercom.

       "Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System [ONLINE]."

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