Chapter 19

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"Hello?" Yuuna answered her phone outside of a restaurant

[Yuuna? Where are you?]

"I'm out...where I am is non of your business"

[Anyways, come quickly, senpai is going to nag me to death]

"Oh? What's going on?"

[Just come quickly! We're at Kawamura-senpai's sushi restaurant]

[Hello? Yuuna? Its me Fuji]

"Fuji-senpai? What's wrong?"

[You should make your way here, we're at Kawamura's sushi restaurant]

"Really? Then, Fuji-senpai can you open the door"

[Open the door? Why open...]

"Eh, Yuuna?" Fuji was surprised to see Yuuna outside the restaurant with her hands full of bags

"Hehe, Fuji-senpai help me carry these, I can't hold them anymore"


"Ah, Did you make these, Nya?" Kikumaru looks up from his table and runs up to them

"Hehe, yes"

"It looks delicious, Nya!"

"Don't snatch Kikumaru-senpai, everyone has their own dish! If you take it randomly, you will get other senpai's dish"
Kikumaru was reaching out his hand to grab a bento box but was hit by Yuuna

"Kikumaru-senpai! Fuji- senpai help me!"

"Kikumaru, stop, let Yuuna give them out"

"Nya, do it quickly, Yuuna"

"I know! Geez!" Yuuna glared at Kikumaru "Here, this is yours, Ryoma. This is for Fuji senpai.... Tezuka-senpai's..... Coach Ryuzaki..... Kikumaru-senpai..... Momo-chan-senpai......Oishi-senpai...... Inui-senpai...... Kaido-senpai....."

"Erm... Hanasaki-san... do we have any?" Horio asked with glittering eyes

"Oh, of course, but, there're all the same" Yuuna put a bag down with six bento box in "just take one"


"Wow. It's egg omelette and fried shrimp, Nya!"

"My favourite fried shrimp burger and cheese burger!"

"Huh? Is this fried meat skewers and clam soup?"

"It's Italian noodle soup!"

"Wow, it's rice with raw fish eggs and steamed buns"

"His~~~~~~, potato soba noodle and tuna ramen noodle"

"Eel tea?"

"Cajun cuisine and spicy ramen? Yuuna, how did you know that I like eating these?"

"Why do you only have grilled fish and grilled shrimp?"

"Fuji-senpai, here"

"Wasabi? How did you know I like these?"

"Ryoma, for you"

"So the steamed tea bowl was separated by you?"

"Kikumaru-senpai, look what this is"

"Shaved ice! Nya!"

"Momo-chan-senpai, this is for you"

"A strawberry cocoa sundae?"

"Kaido-senpai, don't look at Momo-chan-senpai like that, this is for you"

"His~~~~~~pure juice?"

"Inui- senpai, here, I honestly don't really like this"

"Durian is delicious"

"Oishi senpai, is it to your liking?"

"Yes, Hanasaki, you did very well"

"Kawamura senpai, I don't know what you like so, I tried making my own sushi"

"Hanasaki-san made these? They're well made!"

"And Tezuka senpai, I didn't bring you any food but I got you this"

"Fishing rod? Necessary things for climbing? Hanasaki, how did you know I like fishing and climbing? And what's this?"

"That's medicine for your injury"

"Hanasaki, how did you know what we like?"

"I like to pay attention to things when I'm bored, and Oishi-senpai, you don't have to call me Hanasaki all the time, just call me Yuuna like Fuji-senpai and Kikumaru senpai"

"Okay, Han....I mean Yuuna"

"Ahhhh! What did you put in there, Fuji!"

"Fuji-senpai, you're eating wasabi sushi, right?"


"Woo...Fuji you're so mean... and Yuuna if you knew why didn't you warn me... you're also mean....."



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