Chapter 15

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"A newcomer like them, is no match for Seishun! We will definitely beat them!"
"Just let me finish! How could Seishun lose to a unseeded team of unknown origin!"
"Horio, look at that!"
"What's up, you're so noisy!" Horio turned back and saw "Fu, Fudomine!"
"Horio, double the training when we get back." Yuuna said lightly

"You must be Tezuka from Seishun"
"I'm Fudomine's captain, Tachibana Kippei"
The captain of two teams shake hands....
Ten all members of Fudomine leaves
"That scared me.... it's like I got electrocuted when they shook hands"
"They look strong"
"Look at the last person, he didn't even look at his hands and he was still able to play so well. Fudomine is too powerful."
The person who walked behind Fudomine....
"That person is Ibu Shenji" Yuuna said lightly "the one who defeated Kuki, the captain of Kakinoki"
"Eh, then isn't he like super strong?!"
"Maybe" Yuuna hurried forward, stoped in front of Ryoma, stood still, and watched him like Fudomine
"Geez, Ryoma is provoking people!"
"Provoking...huh..." Yuuna smirked, put her hands in her pocket, and took out a tennis ball, and took out a pure white tennis racket from her tennis bag, and started doing the same thing
"This is actually quite easy" she commented
"Tch, madamadadane." Ryoma said, eyes still closed
"Oh my god, she's going to escalate the battle!"— Horio
I'm sorry guys this is a short one, but I promise the next one will be extra long, so please bare with me!

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