Double the training

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"Oya, hello everyone" the next day, Riyona happily jumped into the training grounds with her tennis bag

"Yona, you're happy today" Ryoma slightly raised his head

"Oya, that's right! Today I can play tennis!" Riyona smiled, then suddenly she looked alert "Ryoma, you can't tell me to rest for another day, my injuries are healed!"

"Tch, madamadadane" Ryoma lowered his cap

"Hump" Riyona looked up to the sky "hey, the sun is big today"

"Erm...." Ryoma became stiff  "Yona, I have something that I need to do.....I'll go first....." and he left

"Well, we have to practice" Riyona glances at Ryoma and smiled.

She clapped her hands "Everyone gather around!" And everyone puts down what they're doing and listened

"The division preliminaries are coming up, what are your thoughts on that?"

"Can't be careless"——— stoic Tezuka

"The division preliminaries are coming up? Seigaku can't lose. What if we lose....."——— worried mother hen Oishi

"It should be interesting" ——— sadistic Fuji

"Seigaku has to win first place, nya~" ——— Kitten Kikumaru

"Of course, Seigaku will get first place, Kikumaru senpai" ——— Momo-chan-senpai

"Fshuuuu~~~" ——— Kaido-senpai

"I hope Seigaku gets first place" ——— Kawamura without the racket

"Tch, they're still madamadadane" ——— Ryoma-sama

"Oya, it seems everyone is confident" Riyona smiled

"......" Everyone else stood there in silence

"Very well, although everyone is full of confidence and high morale, it order to make it happen, I decided to double the amount of training! Non-regulars double and regulars triple the amount!" Riyona continued to smile

Everyone felt shivers down their spine....

"Stop smiling, Yona" finally Ryoma spoke "sure, you adapt to changes really quick. But do you know that your smile is evolving? That smile looks more and more like Fuji-senpai"

"Echizen, 10 laps"

"Yes" after that Ryoma began to run

"Nya~ochibi is actually listening to orders?"

"Kikumaru, 10 laps"

"Ah, Riyona I'm sorry"

"20 laps"

"Okay, I will go running immediately!" After that, Kikumaru was gone

"Now take a break" Riyona continued to smile "wait while I prepare for training, it will definitely enhance your strength"

"Enhance our strength..." Another shiver down their spine

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"Okay! Let's start practicing now! All of you run around the school for 30 laps! The first 10 laps, complete in 12 minutes, and last 20 laps are completed in 20 minutes! Meaning 1 lap per minute!" Riyona announced loudly


"And, Inui-senpai said yesterday that he had developed a new type of drink. I took it home and altered the recipe a little so it'll be tastier. Then I also added more stuff to it a little a while ago. Look, the drink is now so colourful!" Riyona magically took out a cup from nowhere, the liquid inside is brightly coloured....."The person whose last to complete the task will be lucky enough to taste it!"


"Timer starts now!"

"Tch, madamadadane" ——— Echizen Ryoma, who had a head start by running before the timer started

"Ah.... Ryoma that's cheating! Wait for me, nya~" ——— Kitten Kikumaru, trying to catch up to him

"Don't be careless" ——— Tezuka, still the same expression

"The drink looks good" ——— Sadistic Fuji, also running

"Kikumaru-senpai! Please wait for me!" ——— Momo, who just understood the situation

"Fshuuuuuu~~~" ——— Kaido-senpai, also trying to catch up

"Hitomi-san is really scary, Kawamura let's go" ——— Mother hen Oishi, it's difficult to protect yourself and yet you still care about Kawamura, it it truly amazing

"Ah, Yes" ——— Kawamura, without a racket starts running

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