Prince of another universe (3)

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"Huh, where am I?" Yona looked around the unfamiliar space that she is in and she felt something wrong with her hands and she looked at it.....

" Wha, why do I have tiny wrinkly hands! What is going on?"

"Anno, Yona it's me who took you here" a familiar voice filled her head

"Huh, Are you inside my head?! .... Wait, why does your voice sound so familiar?..... Ah, you're the little boy"

"Bingo! And no I'm not inside your head, I'm speaking to you through telepathy"

"But how do you do that?"

"Can't believe you're so calm"

"Nonsense, who do you think I am, and you still haven't answer my question yet"

"I'm a Prince from another universe. I finished doing my mission in your world, and when I met you I thought it would be fun to watch so I decided to bring you here!"

"You......" Yona was so angry that she can't even put it into words

"Okay, Yona don't get angry, let me tell you something important. Your dad is called Echizen Nanjiro.... and the boy that is next to you is your twin brother called Echizen Ryoma"

"Okay..." Yona slowly said as she turns to face her twin, then suddenly her face was full of shock "wait, you said that Echizen Ryoma is my twin brother?"


"I'm in prince of tennis?!"


The boy looked at Yona and she doesn't look happy. With slight guilt as he did bring her here involuntarily, he says "you know, you can ask for some requirements from me"


"Y-Yeah" 'how does she change so quick? Have I been tricked?'

"Then I want all my knowledge and abilities from my past life. I was a genius that everyone looked up to at school that knows how to play most sports, straight A student, and I also know martial arts! I can't afford to lose them just because I'm here now, am I!"

"Sure, that's easy"

"I also want a healthy body, don't just suddenly say to me that I'm really weak since I was born or something"

"No problem"

"And.... and if I have other requirements then I will tell you but I'm going to keep it right now"

"Wait, you can't do that"

"What do you mean, did you forget that I know martial arts!"

"No,no,no,nothing"  'as expected of a genius, she sure think things through'

"Anyways, I'm going now because your going to be born soon"

"Hey wait, stay a little longer! I don't speak baby" she says as she looks at her twin

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