Chapter 8

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Ahhhh, finally!
There are only one exam left so I spent some time working on this story.
There are still no update schedules so thank you for every one who read this story



"Oh, hey Ryoma, is your training over?"

"Yeah, let's go." Ryoma took Yunna's hand and went to the school gate

"Huh?" Ryusaki couldn't help but ask a question "That brat Ryoma is holding a girl's hand?"

"Coach, is that strange?"

"Yeah, that kid is really detached from others" Ryusaki muttered to herself

*Echizen's house

*Ryoma's room

"Ryoma, your playing against Kaido-senpai tomorrow" Yuuna came in Ryoma's room and said

"Um..." He gave a faint response

"Ryoma, has your tennis skills improved?"

"Well, it should have" he thought for a moment, "what?"

"You will play against me when my injury is healed!" Yunna looked up and said

"Okay" Ryoma now has a confident smile on, "I will definitely win you!"

"Don't be so confident!" Yunna also has a confident smile on "I won't let you win! Yow are still madamadadane!"

*The next seigaku

"Yunna, wait!"

"Huh?" Yunna stopped in her tracks and looks at the president

"Yunna, your grades are very good, right....but you know there are some in your class that isn't so good....we are afraid that they are dragging the class down....I want to find a classmate who can help them so...." The president smiled "you don't have any club activities"

"So you want me to go help them study?" Yunna finished the sentence for her

"Uh huh, Yunna you are very smart! So please take care of them! Bye!" After that the president ran away in as gust of wind...

"Oh, okay" Yunna raised her hat "I have to be quick!"


"Okay!" Yunna took a deep breath. "Now, I will give all of you a practice sheet! After you finished, I will check them and when it's all correct you can go!"

"Then...what if it's not all correct" a student asked

"If a question is not correct, then I will tell you how to solve it, and then you will do two similar questions! If it's correct the you can go!"


"I don't have time to waste! Let's start NOW!" Yunna glance at them "because of you guys, I have to stay! I am the victim here!"


"Hanasaki-san(a fake surname that Yunna came up with), I'm finished..."

"Let me see....oh, look at this question, it should be like this...."


"Here are some practice questions, tell me when you are finished"



"Not bad, however this question should be like this..."


"Here, practice questions"

"Yuuna! I'm done!"

"Really, let me see"

"Haha, I must have got them all correct! Right Yuuna!"

"Erm, this question and this question and this question, oh and this question..."

"What that much!?"

"Okay, okay, here"





"Okay, you and you can go"

"You can go.."


"Be gone!"


"Finally!!!!!!" Yunna jumped out of the classroom "time to find Ryoma!"

"Ryoma!" From a distance, Yunna caught a glimpse of Ryoma and shouted to get his attention

"Yuu, why are you so slow?" Ryoma has already finished playing against Kaido, he walked towards Yuuna to pet her head

"You don't even know...the president called me to go tutor others" then at the corner of her eyes she sees Kaido and thought of something. So with the palm of her hand she smacked the racket out of Kaido's hand

"The tennis racket is used to defeat the opponent with tennis, instead of hurting yourself because of losing to others" noticing the doubtful eyes of other people Yunna added "what do you think, Kaido-senpai?"

"Psssssss~" (is that the sound he makes? Or is it phssssss, pshuuu... yeah let's stop) Kaido stared at Yunna for a few seconds, then left

"Alright, let's go, let's go!" Yunna graves Ryoma's hand and went towards the gate "Ne, Ryoma tell me about your game..."

"Yuu, don't cause trouble" Ryoma hopelessly said

"Let's go home!"


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