Question 96: America

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"America, you've got a letter," Lithuania said kindly, handing America the blue and green tinted envelope.

"Thanks, man," America smiled, ripping it up.

'Dear America,

Uh... okay. It isn't like I care about you or anything...but. How are you coping with Cyclone Sandy?

From Alice_Kirkland'

America smiled a little.

"It's going pretty well, I would suppose. Internet is down around New York, so that really sucks. I just hope all of my people will get through this safely," America said, crossing his fingers, "People are really trying to help by putting up tables of food to people who can't get anything. One thing I heard is that someone took a cable cord or something and let all of their neighbors call their families and get things like coffee in the morning. It was really nice, and it made me smile to know my people are so incredibly kind and generous in time of need. As for the cyclone itself, it's really bad when you look at it, and I'm taking damage to it a bit. I wake up coughing and can't feel my lungs for a minute or two, then I calm down, grab a hamburger, and go to bed again. Well, thank you for asking me this, Alice, and I know you care about me whether you think you do or not. Haha."

"As for now, be safe and have a good day," Lithuania smiled.


I have a few things to say now:

1. If you want the envelope to say something on the cover and/or be a certain colour, tell me, and I'll make it.

2. Okay, Alice_Kirkland, who in the world did you have to kill to get that username. It's amazing. OwO

3. Okay, I know this is taking a great toll on Americans, so I would just like to say that I hope you are all okay, and I love you. <3 Stay safe.

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