Question 28: Japan

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"A third letter for Japan from Chenguang23!" Britain said, handing him the letter.

"Oh, thank you very much for the question," Japan said, opening it up.

'Dear Mr. Japan-san,

In your opinion, which tastes better: Ramen or Sashimi? And do you like pandas?

Chenguang Lin'

"Well, I like the different tastes of Ramen, yet I like the raw fish in Sashimi....I'd have to say Ramen because the noodles and the soup are perfect. My favourite would probably be all of them; I can't decide between them all. When America eats the noodles, he slurps them up. So unprofessional...." Japan answered, making his L's swirl into R's in that adorably cute way.

"What about the pandas, aru~?" China kitty-faced, using his verbal tick.

"I love panda bears. They're fluffy and adorable, like bunnies and guinea pigs," Japan said.

Then, China glomped him, making Japan sweat-drop from the contact.

"I don't like this sudden contact...." Japan said, irritated.

China released his hold and smiled.

"Well, thank you for reading. We love the comments, but please one at a time! Thank you, Chenguang23 for asking. Have a great day, aru!" China smiled wide.

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