Chapter 13

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Sorry guys! It's been sooooooo long...;-; I feel bas for not updating for you guys, I have been busy and I try to write but then I am like....Nah. I promise to make this chapter extra long to make up for it =3

Yuka looked at him. 'He is cute..But..I can't!' She thought. As they got to Ayoko's house, Kizami got out of the car and opened the door for Yuka. She slowly got out and kept her hands in front of her. Kizami looked at her with dark eyes, causing her to take a deep, shaky breath. He smiled, causing her to quickly walk away. She ran into the house 'I miss my onii-Chan...' She thought. "Yuka, Kizami will be staying with us." Ayoko smiled. Her breath was hitched in her throat and her eyes widened. "W-why?" She asked. "Because, I offered him to stay..Is there something wrong?" Ayoko asked. Her gaze met Kizami's, something made her freeze. She couldn't tell whether it was his death glare that could keep you trapped or his intimidation, but she shook her head. "Good! Can you show him to the guest room?" She asked. Yuka nodded and walked down the hall as Kizami followed. She gulped, not used to the tall man with dark hair following her. "H-here is your r-room.." She gestured to the door. "Thank you Yuka." He smiled and opened the door and looked around. Yuka took this time to run away, but before she could she felt herself being dragged into the room, her mouth covered. She whimpered and breathed heavily, looking into his dark eyes. "Now..I think we have some things to settle." He smiled as he threw her down. She held her tears back. 'I can't cry..That will make him think I am a baby and kill me like he tried to do in Heavenly Host!' She thought.

"I can sense your fear..Don't try hiding it..I know you.." He kneeled beside her and slipped his hand under her chin, causing her to let out a gasp. "P-please don't hu-hurt me" She begged. He stroked her plum colored hair and ran his fingers through it. "Yuka-tan..I have no intentions on hurting you..To be honest..I am starting to feel different towards you," He stated with a blank expression and no emotion in his deep voice. She blushed as she felt his fingers comb through her hair, although it had a soothing feeling, she didn't like that it was him who was doing it. "D-different? W-what do y-you mean?" She asked quietly. "I wanna protect you..I want to hold you," He pulled her into his chest so that herhead rested on it. She squeaked and shook a bit in fear. "Shh...I wanna stay like this Yuka.." He muttered. She stayed quiet and still, not wanting to make a move that would make him mad. 'I feel so warm..' She thought as she closed her eyes sleepily. He smirked and stroked her hair softly "Good girl.." He held her tightly as she drifted off into a sleep. "I will wait for you until you awake." He grinned.


Ayumi sat on her couch, her eyes red and her nose puffy. Her and Yoshiki's date was supposed to be tonight but she got a call saying he was to busy. 'I can't believe this...Maybe he likes her for her body...I cant help that I am flat-chested! He said I was his one and only...' She thought and whimpered. 'Forget it..I don't ever wanna see that jerk again..' She thought as she got up and got cleaned up. She smiled at herself as she looked in the mirror. It had taken her fifteen minutes to get dressed and pretty. "I'll go to the parade alone" She walked out and walked down the street. SHe froze, hearing familiar laughter. She turned her head to the other side of the street and saw Yoshiki and Mika. Mika was hanging on his arm as they carried a left over tin from a resturuant. They were laughing and talking. Ayumi felt her heart sink and break into pieces. She ran down the street, crying as her make-up was smearing. As she ran down the street, she bumped into omeone and fell back. "Oh jeez! I am so sorry ma'am!" A deep voice came then arms wrapped around her and helped her up. She blushed and looked at the man. Her eyes widened when she looked at him.

It was a tall guy with spiky blue hair and a very handsome face. He looked fit and smiled down at her. 'This must be the guy Nakashima was talking about! He is cute..' She thought. "Are you okay?" He asked. She nodded "Y-yeah..I am fine, thank you.." She smiled. "Are you Shinozaki Ayumi? I have a friend named Nakashima Naomi and she told me to meet you." Ayumi nodded "You must be Yamohiro..Nice to meet you" She smiled. "Oh please, call me Tomaki" He grinned. She giggled "Okay Tomaki, you can call me Ayumi." He smiled "Can I buy you a drink?" He asked. She smiled "That would be great..Thank you." He put his arm out and she put hers inside his and he held her close "It's kinda cold out, stay close okay?" He smiled. She nodded and laid her head on his shoulder. He brought her to a resturaunt and grabbed a napkin and helped her get rid of her smeared make-up. They sat down and ordered their food. "So, tell me about yourself." He smiled. "Well...There ain't much to tell. I mostly like occult stuff and I always tell spooky stories, but to be honest, if I ws ever put in a bad or scary situation..I kinda lose it. I love charms and stuff." She explained.

He smiled, "Wow! That's interesting! To be honest, I love spooky things too..I look at charms as well." She smiled brightly "Yay!" She giggled as their food got there. "Let's eat" He smiled and ate his food, as did she. Later that night they went to the parade.


Yuka slowly woke up in Kizami's arms, her head firmly on his chest. "Glad to see you are up Yuka-tan" He smiled. She pulled away and blushed "T-thanks..." She muttered. "You were asleep for two or three hours," He stated. "Sorry..." She mumbled. He smiled and held her face. "Yuka..You know how I said I feel different around you?" He asked as he pulled her face closer to his. She blushed heavily and nodded. "Well...I found out that..I. Love. You." He said.

Well that was a pretty long chapter! I hope you guys really like this! =3

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