Chapter 5

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"Urgh..." Satoshi groaned sitting up. "Owe!" He fell back down feeling his head split in pain. "Just hold in Mochida..." Ayumi said running to his side. "Where am I?" Satoshi asked. "We are at Yoshiki's place, me and him found you and Naomi passed seemed to be in bad shape" Ayumi explained. "How is Naomi?" Satoshi asked. "Oh she is just fine, although she hasn't woken up yet..." Ayumi looked back at Naomi. "Here" Yoshiki came up and gave Satoshi band ice pack and some tea. "Thank you..." Satoshi sighed feeling tired. "Who did this?" Ayumi asked. "I can barely remember at this point...just give me some time" He replied. "Of course dude" Yoshiki nodded. Naomi started to stir in her sleep so Ayumi went to comfort her. "I wonder what's going on..." She felt Naomi's forehead. "She doesn't have a fever," She smiled happily. "That's good, Satoshi are you tired?" Yoshiki asked. "Ya..." He groaned sitting up. "How about you just rest and well watch over you, you can stay here as long as you need...I bet Shinozaki wouldn't mind..." Yoshiki got up. 'Still on a last name basis I see...I for sure thought Yoshiki had it in the bag with her...' Satoshi sighed.

"Did something happen?" he broke the awkward silence between them. "Yes, and I wouldn't want to talk about it with him in the room" she narrowed her eyes at Yoshiki. He rolled his eyes at her and walked away to his room. "Well...I am going to try and get some sleep,'' Satoshi sighed laying down and falling into a deep sleep.

Yuka's p.o.v

"What happened to Onii-chan?" Yuka asked looking at Ayoko. "Well, he..uh...had to run somewhere" She lied. "Oh...did he ask about me? Or why I was acting this way?" she asked. "No, he said it would be better for you to stay with me from now on. He is to worried about that girl that was with him" she lied again. Yuka felt a tear fall down her cheek *sniffle* "Fine...Obviously Naomi is more important to him" she cried running towards her new room. She wiped her eyes and sighed.

"I wish he could love me...maybe if I weren't his sister he would like me..." Yuka whimpered. "I guess he doesn't need me anymore, I bet he is gonna run off and marry Nakashima and forget all about me..." She frowned. "I am losing everyone/thing I love...Eiko, Onii-chan, my home, my old life..." she layed down and fell asleep. Ayoko peeked in and smiled happily. "Finally...Now she will stay with me until I ship her off to America. I wonder what they are gonna do...I think my might use her as a maid" Ayoko shrugged to herself and then shut off the light and the door.

She walked down the hall only to run into her own kids. "Mom...must we really do this? I think this is a bad idea" Konata asked. "I agree...I know this is your job and you get paid a lot kidnapping and selling people a bad thing?" Ayumu asked. "Of course it is! We just have to finish this order of course" She nodded. "If you help I will give you half of what I get, I heard they want more little girls for some reason" She sighed. "Fine mom...we'll help but make it quick cause.......she makes us regret this" Konata frowned. "I will try darling" Ayoko nodded leaving.

Corpse Party: Come Home (Sequel to Yuka's Mistake) (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now