chapter 6

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"Onii-chan!!" Yuka called before her mouth was taped. "Yukaaa!!" Satoshi called running towards her. Yuka was thrown into a van crying. "Nooo!!!" Satoshi jumped up. He looked around and found himself in Yoshiki's apartment. He layed back down and breathed heavily. "Oh Mochida-kun are you alright?!" Ayumi asked. "Satoshi, what's up?" Yoshiki asked. "I just had a nightmare....Hey Yoshiki?" he looked at his friend. "What is it?" he got up and walked to Satoshi. "This woman took Yuka and persuaded her to stay with her you think you can handle it for me?" Satoshi asked hopefully.

"Sure, just tell me where this place is at" he nodded. "You know where the front of my house is? Go down the ally way and to the right until you see a big blue house.." Satoshi informed him. "Sure, be right back with Yuka" he said leaving. "Wait! Yoshiki!" Ayumi chased after him. "What is it? You can't come with..I won't allow it" he said. "I just wanted to wish you good luck.." she smiled kissing his cheek before running back inside. "Now I have to get her back" he smirked walking towards the house.

He knocked on the door only for Ayoko to answer. "May I help you?" She asked. "Yes, you have my friends little sister and I want her back please" Yoshiki sighed. "Oh dear" Ayoko snapped her fingers and a man snook behind Yoshiki. "Ugh..seriously?" he turned around kicked the man in the stomach. Ayoko stood in shock as her servant fell down her stairs. "You think I can't tell who is behind me? I took a hammer to the head I don't know how many times. This is nothing, now hand over Yuka" he said.

"Fine...then you deal with me.." Ayoko frowned as she pulled a knife out of her sleeve. "Fine by me hag" he smirked. She launched and sliced his arm, as she did so he attempted to grab it. "That was a foolish move on your part!" She laughed launching at him. "It would have been if I wasn't ready" he smiled dodging her attack and she fell over. Ayoko got up and ran at him again but he was off guard. She punched him in the stomach and he fell back "Aw god!" He coughed. "Leave before I call the cops" she smirked.

He sighed, he didn't want to be in trouble with the law. "Fine! But we will get her back," he smiled turning and leaving. Half way back to his apartment he was stopped. "So, trying to take on Ayoko eh?" said a voice. "Huh?" he looked over to see a girl with long brown hair leaning against a building. She was wearing sunglasses and a belly shirt that only showed a little bit of her body with jean shorts. "" Yoshiki asked. "You won't be able to beat her without my help" she smirked. "I don't even know your name" Yoshiki said. "Hayashi Mika. I am your only hope if you want to beat her" she smiled twiddling the little knife she has in her hands.

Hey sorry for the lack of updating ;-; I have had writers block and I feel bad I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Corpse Party: Come Home (Sequel to Yuka's Mistake) (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now