Chapter Fourteen : Memories

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Dinky popped up immediately next to Dumbledore with a bright smile. Draco stood, holding Harry against his chest tightly. He thought Harry might push him away, but he seemed fine curled up against Draco, his little arms wrapped around his neck.

"Dinky, if you would please take these young men to their rooms," Dumbledore said with a smile. He adjusted Harry in his arms, freeing the hand that was holding the bag of potions.

"Yes sirs!" She said, next to Draco in a moment and holding out her little hand. Draco almost grabbed it, but an uneasy feeling settled in his stomach. He paused, feeling nauseous. Madam Pomfrey must have seen something in his demeanor change.

"Mr. Malfoy?" Madam Pomfrey looked at him closely, "are you alright?"

Draco gave her a strained smile, looking towards Dumbledore. "Headmaster... are-are our rooms safe?"

There was a pause. Dumbledore gave him a long look, and then a reassuring smile. Draco didn't feel much better from it. "The fireplace is completely blocked," he started quietly, "but I'm sure some extra precaution would help everyone's piece of mind. I will go with you, and ward it myself to the best of my abilities."

"Thank you, Headmaster," Draco nodded. His chest felt a little less tight, something he hadn't noticed until it was gone.

"Would you like a dreamless sleep potion, Mr. Malfoy?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

Draco paused for a moment. "I... yes please, Madam."

With a soft smile, she added two to his bag. "Only one in a twenty-four hour period," she backed away, hands folding behind her.

Draco held out a hand for Dinky to take. She did so excitedly, almost vibrating with joy when Headmaster Dumbledore grabbed her other hand with a smile.

They landed in the sitting room. It felt like days since he had last been here, but it couldn't have been more than... two hours? Three? The fireplace was completely empty of wood, and seemed darker than it had ever been, even while unlit. The room had been cleaned by some house elf; the table was no longer overturned, the couch and chair were in place. The mugs and spoons had gone, no visible stain left, the blanket was draped neatly over the back of the couch. His book was gone, in his room or somewhere else.

Draco stood still as a statue even as Dinky popped away. "Mr. Malfoy, why don't you put Mr. Potter in bed and take your potions? I won't take long."

Draco nodded after a moment, feeling a bit like a ghost as he went to Harry's room. The mess he had made of Harry's trunk had was put away, the bed freshly made. Draco set the potion bag on top of the trunk, holding Harry with both hands for a moment. At some point Harry had drifted off, now drooling lightly on his shoulder. Draco tucked his face into his hair, allowing himself this moment of weakness with no one to witness it.

Harry will be okay. Harry will be okay. Harry is okay. Of course Harry would be fine. He was Harry Potter, nothing could really hurt him. Draco smiled faintly, remembering how pissed off he had been watching Harry win his first Quidditch match back in first year. Harry never failed to amaze, even as a first year.

A lone tear slipped down his face. He had been so...terrified. When had everything changed so much? When did it start feeling like Harry belonged with him, tucked into his arms and sleeping on his chest?

Please don't hate me when this is all over.

Draco set Harry down among the pillows, pushing the hair out of his face. He pulled clean pajamas out of a drawer -all Harry's, shrunken when they first moved in- to change Harry into. Draco looked for new bruises and scrapes while he did, thankfully finding nothing. He tucked Harry in, smiling when Harry reached out, grabbing a stuffed dog and holding it tight to his chest.

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