Chapter Three : Of Snitches and Dragons

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Madam Pomfrey poked her head out behind a closed curtain. "Oh my," she murmured, upon seeing mini-Potter. She quickly turned back to the student she had been treating, cast a spell or two, made a quick order to 'be gentle with it less is break again before this blasted potion goes away'.

A small rustling of sheets met his ears before a puffy-faced, red-eyed Daphne walked out, head hung low and cradling her arm.

"And what exactly happened here?" Madam Pomfrey inquired with a quirked eyebrow, a small glower. Harry gulped as he looked up at her, craning his neck.

"Hi Madam Pomfrey." He said quietly, giving a crooked smile in an attempt to placate her. Her eyebrow did not lower. Harry looked at Draco for help, who was pointedly looking at the clock on the wall. Draco would be late for class soon.

"Potion mishap," Harry said, shuffling his feet a little. Madam Pomfrey nodded, eyebrow now at a normal height but lips now pursed.

"Come along, Mr. Potter." Madam Pomfrey led him to an empty bed, ordered him to sit and stay. Lights flickered and flared as she cast diagnostic spells on him. "Which potion?"

"Fest-uhm, Festina te-"

"Festina Tempus. Madam Pomfrey, may I go now? I'll be late to transfiguration," Draco cut. Harry shot him a slightly hurt look which Draco again, pointedly ignored, glancing meaningfully to the clock.

Madam Pomfrey waved her hand in dismissal, and Draco briskly walked out. Professor Mcgonagall was going to kill him for being late. It wasn't even his fault! Stupid Potter...

Draco pushed the thought of Potter's hurt eyes out of his head. It wasn't his problem anymore.

Transfiguration, he unfortunately shared with the Gryffindors. Mcgonagall stared at him over her glasses as he walked in late, but said nothing. Her class began with her silently pacing back and forth, staring at her students. Whispers vanished as soon as her harsh eyes passed them.

"It has come to my attention that there has been an incident concerning Mr. Potter today that you all witnessed," she began. The students in the classroom shifted nervously. "I have been informed to tell you that if I hear any of you, even if you are not from my house, saying anything about this situation you will be punished. This is not a laughing matter. I do not want to hear any gossiping, murmuring, whispering, anything concerning Mr. Potter. You will keep this to yourselves, least you all wish to be responsible for a considerable loss of house points and any detention I wish to bestow upon you. Do I make myself clear?"

Silence met her ears. No one hardly dared to breathe.

"Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Professor!" Voices rang out. Mcgonagall nodded slightly, and said nothing else on the matter. Soon, the class was busy writing notes, and the only whispers were complaints of hurt wrists and 'what did she just say?'

Once dismissed, Draco went to his last class of the day, arithmancy with Professor Vector. Draco was in a good mood as he walked into her class. He hadn't needed to worry about Potter at all, and was assured this matter would take care of itself without his needing to be involved or concerned, and a day where he did not need to deal with Potter was indeed a good day.


The Hospital Wing was cold. Harry shivered slightly. He thought about casting a warming charm on himself, but wasn't sure how well he'd be able to do magic right now, so decided against it. Wondering why the Hospital Wing was so unreasonably cold, he kicked his dangling feet back and forth. Harry thought it might've been to discourage students.

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