Chapter Six : Breakfast and Bruises

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Draco woke up from the sun attacking his eyes. He tried to turn away from it, but his left arm was asleep. His eyes blinked open rapidly to look at it, finding mini-Potter laying on it. Draco almost reflexively pushed Potter off of him -he hadn't slept with anyone else in the bed since he was six- until last night came flooding back. Draco rolled so he could keep him warm, looking down as he did so. Harry's hair covered most of his face, but Draco could see traces of an angry purple bruise forming around Harry's chin.

Panicking, Draco looked for anything Harry could've hurt himself on. Did he hit his head when he fell yesterday? Were one of his stuffed animals stuffed with rocks? Had Draco hurt him? Dumbledore and Pomfrey were going to kill him-

"injuries sustained at that particular time do return. As this potion does not simply change your features, it changes your entire body chemistry"

Slughorn's words and Daphne's broken arm came back to him. Would Harry get....every injury he'd gotten at this age until he was fixed? That brought up the uncomfortable question of Harry's family who called him 'freak.' Boys did tend to play rough and get a lot of bruises at seven, but thinking about it made Draco uneasy.

Harry stirred, and before Draco could decide if he should leave or not, big green eyes -surely they hadn't been that green before- blinked up at him. Harry pulled away from him, ears turning red. Part of Draco wanted to pull him closer and make sure he was safe, but that was inappropriate and they would both regret that once this whole business was through.

"Where's Aunt Petunia?" Harry asked. Draco furrowed his eyebrows.

"I don't know who that is Harry. Your at Hogwarts," Draco paused, shuffling a bit to sit up straight, "do you know what that is?"

Harry blinked at him for a minute. "It's a... school... for magic," Harry said slowly, nodding along with his words. Draco's worry subsided somewhat, but the bruise staring him in the face wouldn't let him relax completely.

"Okay, that's good. Do you-" Draco cut himself off, clearing his throat, "Harry, do you... know why you have a bruise on your chin?" Draco watched closely as Harry reached up to touch the bruise, and winced. His eyes dropped to the blanket and remained resolutely.

"I'm just clumsy, I told Madam Pomfrey that yesterday."

Draco paused. He hadn't been expecting that, and he still didn't really believe it but Harry already looked extremely uncomfortable. He didn't want to make the situation worse and have him clam up. That would make everything Dumbledore asked him to do more difficult.

"Okay," he said quietly. "You should take a shower, yesterday was a long day. Do you know where it is?"

Harry glared at him. "Yes, I know where the shower is, thanks," he snapped. He stormed out of the room and into the hallway, leaving Draco sitting on the bed.

He went downstairs, noticing a nice breakfast with toast and bacon already set up for them. A small tray with a few potions and containers sat on the edge of the corner. Finding a note, Draco found himself worrying even more.

The green bottles are nourishment potions. Mr. Potter should be taking them every morning before he eats. The purple numb pain, the pink heal major injuries, and the container is a simple balm that will heal all minor injuries. Apply a generous amount and do not wipe away.

If I am correct, Mr. Potter may be needing these. Let me know if you need anything else, I have had Headmaster Dumbledore connect your floo to my office, 'Hospital Wing.'

-Madam Pomfrey.

She had to know something more was going on to Harry than just clumsiness, Draco was sure. Draco returned to his meal, setting aside the balm and a green bottle. He was almost done by the time Harry stepped quietly around the corner, pausing at the entryway. Draco wouldn't have heard him if his back had been facing him.

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