Chapter Eight : Hot Chocolate

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Dumbledore sat at his desk, still in his phoenix pajamas. His elbows on the desk, his head resting on his hands. He watched Severus pace in front of him.

"This is...troubling."

"Potter will be vulnerable for another two weeks, at least. That leaves plenty of room for him to take action. I have to give him some information next time he calls or I will likely not be returning." Severus spoke at a whisper, coming to a rest with his hands gripping the back of a chair harshly.

"Perhaps only telling him Mr. Potter was involved in potions would be enough."

Severus shook his head harshly. "He is...irritable. Angry that I did not tell him. It won't be enough."

Dumbledore rubbed his beard, leaning back in his chair. "Then tell him that he is confined for his own health. As little as you can while making sure you get out alive." Dumbledore's voice was grim, Severus' face even more so.

"Are you going to put protections around their quarters?"

"Did you think there weren't already, my boy?"

Severus shook his head after a moment, ignoring the slight. "He will call me back soon."

"And when he does, I hope we are prepared for it."


Draco groaned quietly. His homework was difficult without being able to attend the lessons. He and Blaise shared most of their classes, and the ones he didn't he was able to get copies of notes from Theo or Pansy. Even with their notes and the lesson copy he received from teachers, it wasn't the same as being there.

Harry is so lucky he's excused, Draco thought for a moment. Well, maybe if the circumstances were different...

Harry hadn't sustained any visible injuries since the bruise on his cheek a week ago. Sometimes Draco thought he was in pain, but Harry never told him anything. He was more closed off than ever, quieter and more careful than any other child his age Draco had seen.

But they had developed a nice routine. Harry took his nourishment potion easily, and over breakfast they would talk about Harry's life. Draco would try to ask questions, but this morning Harry barely remembered what Hogwarts was.

Dumbledore had come by yesterday with Weasley and Granger, but Harry hadn't known who any of them were and had hid behind the couch and refused to come out.

Dumbledore frowned, looking at Draco. "No progress?"

Draco shook his head. "No, Sir. We talk in the mornings and sometimes throughout the day about his life but it hasn't been-"

"Harry?" Granger had moved behind the couch while Draco was turned to speak to Dumbledore.

"Granger, don't!"

Harry ran from the room completely, zipping past Granger who had tried to grab his arm. A door slammed shut, and Draco knew it was the one to his room. Harry climbed into bed with Draco and hid there with the black dog stuffed animal whenever he had a nightmare.

Draco pinched the bridge of his nose. "He's scared of you, idiot!"

"Mr. Malfoy-"

"Don't call her that! What did you do to him? I'm going to-"

"Ron, do-"

"I didn't do anything to him, Weasel!"

"That is enough!" Dumbledore called. The three stopped immediately. "I told you before we got here what happened to Mr. Potter, and you would do well to remember what I said. Mr. Malfoy has been nothing but exemplary since I placed Mr. Potter in his care, until this moment when you have antagonized both of them," Dumbledore stared at them. Weasley was still bright red up to his ears, and Granger was nodding furiously. Draco cast his eyes downward away from them all.

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