Chapter Five : Bedtime

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This one is shorter than I wanted it to be, which is an oof, Came out pretty quick, at least.


"Potter? Potter!" Draco called, unsure of what he was supposed to do. He fluttered around Harry, accidentally crunching a teacup that Harry had dropped. Harry slumped on the couch, head at an awkward angle, chest heaving with ragged breathing.

"Dinky! Accio rag!" A small rag flew into Draco's hand as Dinky popped into existence next to him. Draco Took Harry's glasses off and set them haphazardly on the table.

"What can Dinky do fo- is Masters Potter okay? What is wrong? What can Dink-"

"Go get Madam Pomfrey, quickly!" Draco barked at her. She was gone within a moment. Draco cast an Aguamenti on the rag, getting in damp before brushing Harry's fringe out of his eyes.

His scar was an angry red, and bleeding quicker than Draco would've anticipated. He patted it with the rag, trying to stop more blood from getting into Harry's eye. It dripped down the side of his face, a few drops managing to stain his robes before Draco could staunch the flow.

The bleeding stopped after a minute, and Draco was able to clean up the blood that had dried on Harry's face. Draco was suddenly reminded of an accident he'd had when he was about eight. He had taken a tumble off his broom and had hurt his head.

His mother had cleaned it up for him, much in the same way Draco was doing now. He hoped Harry woke up soon.

Madam Pomfrey popped into the living room not five feet away form Draco. Poor Dinky looked traumatized. Madam Pomfrey shooed Draco out of the way, taking the towel with him.

After examining his forehead for a moment, she cast several spells. The air in front of her lit up with different colors and characters, vanishing before Draco could read them

"Mr. Malfoy, if you could stop wearing a hole in the rug, that would be appreciated. Why don't you put yourself to use and tell me what happened here?" Madam Pomfrey spoke sharply, otherwise ignoring his presence.

Draco took a breath to make sure his voice was steady. "Professor Dumbledore told me I should ask him some questions, since he seemed to be having some-some memory issues, or something." Draco hovered over Madam Pomfrey's shoulder, before her scathing glare sent him back. "It was normal, though I'm starting to think that his family wasn't so nice to him-"

"To the point, Mr. Malfoy."

"I asked him about You-Know-Who and as soon as I said his name he freaked out. He grabbed his head and looked like he was in a lot of pain, and then he just-he fainted!"

Madam Pomfrey made a tch noise, and put her wand away. "There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with him. We all know Mr. Potter had a.. special relationship to You-Know-Who, perhaps the scar is more related to it than we think. I'll speak to Dumbledore about it. Where is Mr. Potter's room?" Madam Pomfrey took her wand out once more, levitating Harry.

"Up the staircase, on th- on the left." Draco watched her walk up, Harry floating precariously behind her. Draco flinched the smallest bit when it seemed like Harry would hit his head on the railing or wall, but he made it up unscathed.

Madam Pomfrey came down a moment later, giving him a stern look. "I want him resting for the night. If anything happens to him, I want to know immediately. I suggest you put some alarm spells on him in case something happens while you're asleep," she narrowed her eyes at him a small bit as she grabbed Dinky's hand, "you do know such spells, don't you?"

"Yes, Madam Pomfrey," Draco shuffled his feet a little bit, feeling like he should be doing something, "do you really think he should sleep that much? It's not even dinner time."

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