Chapter Fifteen : The Potion (END)

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Draco had been doing homework in the kitchen when he heard a knock on the door to their rooms. Harry paused on his broom, hanging upside down and looking at Draco curiously. "Who's that?"

"Let's go see."

Harry followed him, hovering by his head. How he had broken the safety enchantments on that thing, Draco wasn't sure, but he knew Harry was more than capable on it. He wasn't worried about it anymore.

"Professor Snape," Draco said, moving to the side to allow the man in. He saw Harry glare a little, but a pointed look from Draco made him drop it with a mumbled apology.

"Any luck with the potion?" Draco asked. That's the only reason he would be here, surely. Harry perked up to listen.

Snape nodded curtly, holding out a thin bottle with a wide base, a turquoise liquid sloshing inside. "I believe if Mr. Potter takes this tonight, he should wake up tomorrow normal."

Draco's heart leaped into his throat. After a moment, Harry prodded the side of his head. Draco battled his hand away.

"Okay...okay, yeah," he took the potion, holding it delicately. "Why didn't you have a house-elf bring it this time?"

Professor Snape paused. "The potion was made in a similar fashion to Festina Tempus, the potion that caused this," he paused, "ordeal. Like a muggle vaccine. I found it while I was researching different types of cures. The muggles have advanced in medicine impressively without magic."

Draco had no idea what he meant, but he nodded anyways. "What does that mean for Harry, though?" He looked at the potion in his hand. The color did look very similar, if he was remembering correctly.

"That means that this potion could cure him, but it may also react negatively with what is already in his system. I added phoenix tears, which should ease the entire process."

Draco nodded again. Harry had dropped from his broom and was standing against Draco's side, somewhat hiding from Professor Snape. Draco put a hand on his back to sooth him, uncaring of the raised eyebrow his godfather gave him.

"You need to watch him closely, Draco. If anything seems unusual, take him to Madam Pomfrey immediately. Have a house-elf bring you. She knows exactly what's going on."

Draco could feel his palms start to sweat. He was beginning to think there was a much higher risk of something going wrong than Snape was telling him.

"Give it too him before he goes to bed. It will likely make him tired. Be careful, Draco." With a nod, Snape left, leaving Draco feeling lost and worried.

"Do I have to take it, Dray?" Harry asked, now holding onto his shirt.

"Yes, Harry." Draco said, still staring at the potion. This was the best Snape could create... but Professor Snape was the most talented potions master there was. Draco trusted him. Draco doubted there was another option Snape didn't know about.

"I'm scared." Harry whispered. He was looking up at him with wide eyes. Draco picked him up easily, feeling better as Harry wrapped his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist.

"I am too," Draco admitted, "but you are going to be okay. I trust Madam Pomfrey and Professor Snape with my life and yours. I promise you'll be okay."

Harry nodded after a moment, though he didn't let go. Draco was okay with that. This may be the last time he would get to hold Harry like this. He was going to savor it.

He is going to be fine.


"Can I take it now?"

Festina Tempus (Rewrite) -Harry Potter Fanfiction-Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant